While Mitt Romney says that he's not worried about liberal bias in the media, it appears that his Fox News surrogates have their GOP panties in a crotch crushing bunch over the latest polls which show President Obama with an increasing lead in the polls. Like their fellow travelers in the right wing media world, they are claiming that the polls are skewed because of political bias and bad sampling. For Fox, this newest right wing conspiracy theory also dovetails nicely with the meme of the evil, librul media because many of the polls are being done, according to Romney's Fox surrogates, by media outlets who are, as stated by Steve Doocy, "in the tank for Obama." Yesterday, on "The Five," a show noted for it's fairness and balance," (just kidding), esteemed political pundit Greg Gutfeld (just kidding) lashed out at the evil, librul media while praising Fox for it's awesomeness. (Not kidding!). While for Fox News, the George Costanza axiom of "it's not a lie if you believe it," obtains, they also seem to believe that if you don't believe it, it's a lie. As the saying goes "Denial ain't just a river inEgypt!"
Former altar boy, Greg Gutfeld began the segment with a monologue that was laughable in the cognitive dissonance and general inanity. He pompously bloviated about how the mainstream media is "the most despotic entity today, a shadow government setting policy and calling shots" which has decided that "the ends justify the means" by "reporting what it wants to." (OH, THE IRONY!) According to Gutfeld, the reason that Fox "continues to lead" is because "you can tune in without being scolded into submission." (Cept if you support reproductive rights,"Occupy,"separation of church and state - to name a few) He asserted that Fox is "The only place where you can feel good about your country." (That Fox plays to a large section of this country that hates minorities, gays, and Muslims who live in this country is just so inspiring and sure makes me proud to be an American!) He accused the media of not supporting American values and referenced an article, on "Slate," which dared to criticize American foreign policy.
The group then discussed Rush Limbaugh's comment that the polls reflect Democratic ideology. After Bob Beckel said that many of the polls are not connected to any political ideology, Kimberly Guilfoyle, from the "leg chair," threw in a right wing talking point that because the Department of Justice is suing Gallup,Gallup is skewing their data. The conversation continued with more criticisms of the polling methodology. Guilfoyle said that it's media bias that has been "proved over and over" (Right, by Fox News, so that proves it) and claimed that the polling companies are trying to encourage people to vote for Obama. Eric Bolling whined about how the polls are "juiced" and questioned the sampling. Audio of "fair & balanced" Sean Hannity was played in which Hannity brayed about media bias on behalf of Obama who is "advancing his radical agenda." (No bias there!). Bolling claimed that the librul media's reporting on the polls is an attempt to dampen voter enthusiasm. (Meanwhile, voter suppression, no big deal!) Bolling said that if you look deep into the CBS poll, the results are tied.
This is part of a collective GOP "blame the media" narrative from those who can't believe that their great, white hope doesn't seem to be vanquishing the evil, Marxist, Socialist, Kenyan born, anti-Christ president. But rather than blame the candidate or the message, they blame the media. And as this is only a small sample of the collective whining, I think it's safe to say that this will be vintage year for the GOP whine!
BTW, if Fox Polls show Obama in the lead, is the poll skewed as a result of bias? Just saying...
I want to make damn sure I have this correct.
Fox Channel has more braindead zombies crawling form the sewers then any Channel in the Media,or World Media for that matter.
Unless you don’t agree with Megyn Kelly’s view of President Obama’s apperance on The View: