Along with your humble correspondent, several other media outlets picked up on Eric Bolling's insane and rather un-Christ like tirade, on yesterday's Fox & Friends, over a minor league baseball team's plans to host an atheist night at their Minnesota ballpark. As I reported, Bolling was so upset that he urged his Christians fans to pray for rain and admonished the atheists to "stay out of the ballpark" if said Christian prayers don't work. Poor persecuted Christian soldier Eric Bolling isn't happy about less than flattering coverage and is lashing out towards the evil, librul media that doesn't believe, as does Bolling, that atheists suck and are going to hell. And aren't good Christians, like Bolling, supposed to "turn the other cheek?"
The NBC Sports website, "Off the Bench," reported that Fox & Friends' "panty bunching fury" included a rant by "right wing attack poodle" Bolling whose career, as they note, includes an accusation that Democratic House member Maxine Waters is on crack and an ass whooping by the Muppets. They ask if Bolling's performance unfairly "paints him as a ranting lunatic." While Ballpark Digest also had a slightly snarky take on the whole thing, Bolling is directing his righteous Christian wrath towards that satanic den of librul media iniquity NBC which, according to a Bolling "Cavuto marked" tweet, thinks that atheist night is "A-OK."
The answer is that they probably don't care one way or another. But if they do think it's "A-OK" my questions are so what and who cares. Ya think? At any rate, methinks he doth protesteth too much?