NY's Cardinal Dolan gets lots of face time on Fox News - a "fair & balanced" media outlet which has provided Dolan with extensive coverage that appeared to validate his animosity towards President Obama regarding the HHS contraception mandate and the ensuing lawsuits filed by Catholic entities against the administration. However, as I reported, Fox seems to be avoiding any discussion of Dolan's payouts to pedophile priests when he was archbishop of Milwaukee. And now that NY legislators are trying to relax laws governing statutes of limitations on sex abuse crimes, Fox's favorite prelate, Cardinal Dolan is lobbying against changes in the law.
One wonders if Fox would be as mute if teachers' unions were doing the same thing. I suspect that Fox's official Catholic defender, Maltese Knight Peter Johnson Jr would devote as many "Prescriptions for Truth/Justice" to this as he did for Dolan's opposition to the HHS mandate. Just saying...
Yes Dolan, by all means protect the pedophile perpetrators and to Hell with the victimized children. How dare they spoil you right to sexually assault them and ruin them for life.