Obama haters have no compunction about posting death threats on the Fox News blog and on the Fox hate site, Fox Nation. And obviously a Louisiana resident felt perfectly free to articulate the kind of comment, at a Santorum appearance, that we (and the FBI) see all too frequently on Fox sites. Today, Rick Santorum showed off his marksmanship at a Louisiana shooting range. As he fired, a woman was heard saying "pretend it's Obama." As she said it, others laughed at her comedic stylings. When Santorum, who obviously didn't hear the comment, was told about it, he said it was "terrible and horrible" and that he was glad he didn't hear it. The story was all over the evil librul media at noon. But alleged Fox "news" anchor, Jon Scott was all smiles as he reported on Santorum's marksmanship on today's "Happening Now." No mention of the vile comment that would be branded as treasonous if shouted by a liberal and directed to a GOP president. That was at 11:49AM. Maybe he hadn't heard about it yet? Ya think!
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They honestly don’t want people realizing there’s a lot of fingers pointing at them.