It doesn't take an advanced degree in communications or behavioral psychology to know that messaging is more effective when it is reinforced. That Fox "News" knows full well the value of this paradigm, is demonstrated by their pattern of introducing a meme and reinforcing it on other shows or within the same show. In addition to Sandra Fluke being part of a conspiracy orchestrated by the White House, there is another Fox Fluke meme that is was introduced, last week, by alleged "news" anchor, Megyn Kelly on alleged, but official, Fox "News" program, "America Live." Kelly introduced the Fox message that because Sandra Fluke is an advocate of free birth control, she is an example of the ugly American who just wants handouts. (Not, you Koch brothers!) Earlier this week, Kelly, who once argued forcibly argued for paid maternity leave (which, as Jon Stewart pointed out happens when you don't use birth control), reinforced the Fox message in a segment that front and center with the Fox meme framed as a question: Is Sandra Fluke the Poster Child for Entitlement Society?" The better question is "Is Megyn Kelly the Poster Child for Hypocrisy and GOP Agitprop Delivery?"
Kelly's opening comments (3/6) were instructive in the Fox use of loaded language. Kelly cited how the HHS birth control mandate is "forcing" (not requiring) Catholic institutions to cover birth control. She reported on Fluke's *testimony which in which she "complained" (not testified) about the Georgetown Law School's health insurance not covering birth control. Without mentioning Rush Limbaugh's name, Kelly said "the debate got ugly." After mentioning how, in the "fog" over the "debate," the substance of Fluke's testimony "got lost." Kelly played video in which Bernie Goldberg, speaking to Bill O'Reilly, stated that Fluke - wait for it- is "a poster person for the entitlement society."
Lars agreed and added that the local Target store sells cheap birth control and made the popular argument that she wants fellow citizens to pay for her birth control. (She wants Georgetown's insurer to pay.) He claimed that "most Americans" don't want this to happen because it's "damaging to the country to have that sense of entitlement" which says that "everything should be provided for." Some of the damaging "entitlements" he listed were food, water, and health care." (Yeah, lets let people die in the streets, that's so pro-life!)
Kelly noted that her show was the first to bring Fluke's testimony to "national attention." (And the first national show to slut shame Fluke). As she did last week, Kelly talked about how she financed her own law school education and never thought to ask "somebody else" to assist her with contraception. She said that Fluke's testimony sounded as thought she "felt that she was entitled." (Second use of the word) Marshall pointed out the societal costs of unplanned births to poor women. She also noted that while the right says that poor women can go to Planned Parenthood, the right wants to shut it down.
As she did last week, Kelly spoke about how much money the average Georgetown grad will make - a point that seems irrelevant given Fluke's current situation. Kelly channelled "most Americans" who are "ill" over this sense of entitlement. (Third use of the word). Larson agreed and again cited the low cost of birth control and how "we" shouldn't pay for it. Kelly played more of Fluke's testimony, regarding the cost of contraception, which "was a problem for some." Kelly mentioned her sister's financial problems and then actually sneered as she referenced Fluke's "disdain that she has to pay for her own birth control." Marshall argued that we are entitled to stand before our government to make our requests known. Lar's last word was a question about why Fluke - ready for it - feels that she's entitled to free birth control. (Fourth use of the word).
Megyn Kelly deftly reinforced the word and theme that the audience should know. As propaganda reinforcement, this was game, set, match. Fox "News" - "fair & balanced" as always. And BTW, using Kelly's and Larson's argument, shouldn't all of us Americans be "ill" that we should be paying, through our health insurance, for Megyn Kelly's childbirth's and maternity leave. What a sense of "entitlement!"
*Some Fox apologists are now saying that Fluke did not "testify" because she was not under oath. Both she and mainstream media refer to her commentary as "testimony." An oath is not a requirement for "testimony" but Fox apologists don't seem to know that! These same apologists also said that she merely gave a short statement and answered some questions. Obviously, these folks are too lazy to read her testimony which is very detailed and not merely answers to questions. And note to the Fox apologists - Megyn Kelly used the verb "testify." Is she a "lazy broad?" Next.
So, Rush has been married four times and has no children. How did that happen? Here are a few possibilities:
1.) All four women were unable to have children. All four..
2.) All four women were obsessive about birth control and none of the four became pregnany. Presumably, Rush’s generous package included contraceptive coverage, or the mega-millionaire was able to cover the cost himself.
3.) Rush has serious problems with his sppeerrmm count.
4.) Rush has another health problem, and the Viagra isn’t working.
Telling lies make your Baby Jesus Cry.