As in the dystopian world of 1984, where the wars were ongoing, the world of Fox News is a world at war. And just as Orwell's wars were fictional, so are the bogus wars of Fox News which are wedge issues used to divide Americans. And while the Fox "war on Christmas" is seasonal, their "war on Christians/Catholics" is always being fought. This morning, on Fox & Friends, Steve Doocy was able to morph the "war on Catholics" with Fox's claim that Media Matters is waging war on Fox News. Aiding and abetting Fox's counterattack was Vince Coglianese, who is part of the right wing Daily Caller's hit piece against Media Matters - a series that has all the journalistic integrity of a James O'Keefe or Lila Rose hit piece. ("Weak Tea" as described by a Reuters writer) But there is rich irony in that Fox news, in sourcing from the right wing Daily Caller, is doing the same that that the evil, librul MSM is accused of doing with Media Matters. But Fox is "fair & balanced," so it's all good.
Steve Doocy immediately reported, as Fox "fact," that "David Brock's left wing website, Media Matters, is openly engaging in a war on Fox News and now there's evidence that they're engaged in another kind of war, a war on religion." He introduced his guest, Vince Coglianese, senior editor at the Daily Caller, who would be providing "evidence" against Media Matters. (Oh, wait a minute - Doocy just committed an unpardonable sin, according to Fox's much beloved occasional source, Brent Bozell's "Newsbusters." They are always accusing mainstream media of omitting the political orientation of their evil, librul guests. Doocy didn't say that the Daily Caller is a right wing website.)
Doocy reiterated, in case ya didn't hear it the first time, that "it's a war on religious entities and stories on Christians." Coglianese provided us with the "proof" in the form of a $50,000 grant to MMFA, in 2006, from the "left leaning group" ARCA so that MMFA could be a "watchdog on religious media." But rather than just acting as monitors, Coglianese claimed that MMFA is "attacking religious ideologies." Given that Steve Doocy is Roger Ailes' "attack poodle," his comment that MMFA is "an attack dog" was amusing. Doocy stated that it "clearly" appears that there is a war on Catholics because MMFA is "highly critical of people on the right who say this is outrageous and very supportive of the president." Coglianese said that they are "running cover for the president" who is "going up against religious institutions who don't want to be told that they have to give contraceptives." Coglianese either lied or is misinformed as the mandate is not about distributing birth control but covering it as part of their health insurance. As they spoke the chyron reinforced the agitprop: "Media Matters War on Religion."
Doocy praised the Daily Caller's "public service" and wanted to know the reaction of the mainstream media on this "gigantic story." Coglianese said that there is "a lot of silence" and "this is a litmus test for the media and we need to suspicious of a media "that doesn't want to cover a story like this."
So MMFA gets a grant to monitor religious broadcasting. What Coglianese didn't mention is that an ARCA program associate told the Daily Caller that "she could not immediately provide any details about the grant because the executive director who worked there in 2006 is no longer employed by the foundation." The fact that MMFA gets grant money from left leaning organizations is hardly evidence of the piece's premise about a "war on Catholics." (Bozell's Media Research Center gets grants from right wing organizations and that doesn't prove that they're waging "war" on liberals). The pieces done by Media Matters, on Fox's right wing bias in favor of the Catholic bishops, were not editorials. MMFA merely presented video with information pertaining to what the "fair & balanced" network left out of the discussion - such as the support, from Catholic groups, of the contraceptive mandate and the reality that some Catholic institutions already provide birth control coverage. MMFA also shows clips of other Fox talkers making unsubstantiated claims, such as those made today, about the Obama administration's alleged "war on Catholics."
But hey, according to the "gigantic story" in the Daily Caller, Media Matters is acting very badly - and that, as was said in that classic "Plan 9 From Outer Space," "proves it."
And BTW, the Catholic Bishops are trying to recriminalize abortion and impede access, for all American women, to free contraceptive technology. Who's waging war, here?
Fight these Fox “News” frauds by writing letters to all local and national newspapers, call local and nation radio shows, including podcasts and internet, social media, Twitter, Facebook, etc., and ask the masses this burning questions:
1. “Why is Fox News silent when it comes to pedophile priests in the catholic church?”
2. “Why has Fox News refused to expose child molesters in the catholic church?”
3. “Why are Fox News hosts refusing to discuss child predators inside the catholic church?”
This should be ongoing, 24/7 nationwide.