The Fox News website has an article about how a California school teacher will be fired for calling a student a "Jew Boy." The comments are the usual denigration of liberals, teachers, teacher's unions and how if kids today had the crap beaten out of them, things would be so much better. There are also other comments about how if the teacher insulted a white Christian child, she wouldn't have been disciplined. But throughout the thread there are many anti-Semitic comments from several posters, one in particular. Not only were these comments considered acceptable; but some were even "liked." Here's a sample...
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Antoinette commented
2012-02-10 01:20:48 -0500
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Send those comments to Alan Colmes, then ask him why he continues to work at this fraudulent “news” outlet.
Mark Jeffries commented
2012-02-09 18:12:08 -0500
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And I thought the right loves the Jews and us liberals are all Israel-hating anti-Semites. Isn’t that what Jonah Goldberg says? How can he believe that the right has dropped its anti-Semitism?
mj - the same one commented
2012-02-09 18:03:51 -0500
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*[posted by] zimbasa
I would find it much more offensive to be called a “congressman” or “lawyer” than a Jew boy.*
Good — then, then you won’t mind me calling you a “dumbass”, right?
I would find it much more offensive to be called a “congressman” or “lawyer” than a Jew boy.*
Good — then, then you won’t mind me calling you a “dumbass”, right?
Lakeview Greg commented
2012-02-09 15:43:48 -0500
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A putz of an owner of Fox owns a putzy website where putzes can write their putzy stupidity for all to see. It’ll bite FNC in the ass, it always does.