Bill O'Reilly, who regularly channels "Tailgunner" Joe McCarthy, thinks that the "One Million Moms" campaign to get JC Penny to fire Ellen DeGeneres as its spokesperson, because she is gay, is akin to McCarthyism. Oh, the irony!
While he couldn't get one of the "moms" to come on last night's show, he interviewed the possibly deranged but definitely homophobic Sandy Rios about the right wing jihad against DeGeneres. He said, "What is the difference between a McCarthy-era Communist blacklist and the Million Moms saying hey, JC Penney, don't you hire any gay people. Don't you dare. What is the difference?"
So Bill O'Reilly, who, in the spirit of Senator McCarthy, regularly attacks liberals, the ACLU, Muslims, etc., has an enemies list of librul "media outfits that" traffic in defamation," and supported Rep. Peter King's McCarthy like hearings about "radical Islam," thinks the "moms" are being a little too right wing?! This is the guy whose "Culture Warrior" tome is just one long screed about those whom O'Reilly has deemed anathema and he's now accusing his fellow conservative women of being a little too extreme? Wow. What's he smoking?
But just when you're thinking that Bill is flying the rainbow flag, think again. In a subsequent segment, he validated the moms by saying that Ellen DeGeneres does "flaunt" her homosexuality." Just when you thought that Bill O'Reilly was embracing diversity, he, once again, flaunted his ignorance that, while not McCarthyesque, betrays his basic homophobia. After all, he does think that clustered gays are dangerous and that same sex marriage could lead to interspecies marriages. Go figure.
Bill O'Reilly Compares 'Witch Hunt' To Fire Ellen DeGeneres From JC Penney Ads To McCarthyism
Bill O'Reilly had a particularly pro-Hollywood night tonight, as far as The Factor is typically concerned. After a segment in which he defended Clint Eastwood from claims that his Super Bowl ad was subliminal Obama campaign propaganda, O'Reilly had on Sandy Rios of Family-Pac Federal to explain the call from conservative group Million Moms to get Ellen Degeneres fired as JC Penney spokeswoman, and he was not happy with their argument.
No doubt, Billy will receive backlash from these broads. Who knows? They may demand Nixon-trainee Roger Ailes fire Billy.
Let the games begin.
You have women problems.
Sample: “Say baby, put down that pipe and get my pipe up.”
And then there was the whole Andrea Makris scandal, when he threatened to violate her with a falafel.
Where does he get the nerve to go after other peoples’ sexuality?
Flaunt – honest and truthful
Killer Notes – I hate Truth! And Honesty is something you buy with a 2 million dollar out of court settlement!
Here’s my deal for you ladies – if you let me sexually harass you you get a pass, otherwise I’ll crush you, unless you cheated and taped my ugly harassing phone calls. As for dykes, I have no use for you since you obviously have no use for me. Life is a White Male Power Structure Utility mechanism where factually, I hate all women unless they knuckle under. Suppression & conquest is how I pursue happiness and I like it. Fux Nuze is my soapbox and harim – thank you Rupert!