No, you're not having visual hallucinations. Bryan Fisher, of the "family values" hate group, the American Family Association, actually said this about Roger Ailes. In an article about the success of Fox News, the radical homophobic, Islamophobic, theocracy supporting, and all around bigot Fischer said that Ailes' leadership is "exactly the style that Jesus taught." Fischer claims that Ailes is the embodiment of Mark 10:45 in that, like "the son of man," Ailes "did not come to be served but to serve." I guess my understanding of Jesus, despite my 12 years of Catholic school, is limited. I wouldn't think that Jesus would approve of the kind of partisan lies, personal attacks, and race baiting that are a specialty of Ailes' Fox News. Right Wing Watch also points out that some of Ailes' own past history doesn't exactly seem very Christ like. Go figure! Dave Briggs did say that Ailes is Fox's "own version of God." But doesn't that mean that Fox employees are violating the first commandment by worshipping a strange god? Oh, noooo....Paging Father Morris....
Fisher should look at the rest of Fox’s anti-Christal, I mean, anti-Jesus hypocrisy. (I’ll leave the social justice references in the Old Testament for another post, the ones that Fox and most of right-wing “Christianity” leave out of the mix perpetually.)
Jesus was a liberal. Does Fox know why he leaned Essene instead of Pharisee?