Operation Rescue is a radical anti-choice organization which has engaged in "aggressive tactics to disrupt and blockade" clinics that provide abortion. In the 80's they directed violent fury against Dr. George Tiller's Kansas City clinic and we all know how that ended. While they have moderated their tactics, they are part of the mainly GOP war on women's reproductive choice which is now heavily invested in destroying Planned Parenthood. Their newest guerilla tactic involves obtaining 911 calls from Planned Parenthood which purport to show malfeasance on the part of this organization that they so loathe. That Fox News is their media mouthpiece is shown by Fox Nation's sourcing of an Operation Rescue article which, like much of what is promoted on Fox News, is a classic example of the propaganda being used to destroy and deny reproductive choice inAmerica.
The 911 tape, obtained by Operation Rescue, details the conversation between a Planned Parenthood staffer and a 9-11 operator regarding a medical emergency involving a patient who was bleeding heavily. The Fox Nation piece is an article which was written by an Operation Rescue staffer and published on the anti-abortion website, LifeSiteNews. Fox Nation retains the title of the article, "New 911 Tape Reveals Botched Abortion At Virginia Planned Parenthood." There is nothing on the tape to reveal whether an abortion actually took place. The patient could have experienced problems from RU 486 which is an abortion pill or was bleeding as a result of a situation not connected to an abortion. But the anti-choice crazies frame the situation as having been from not just an abortion, but a "botched abortion." And even if it had been an abortion, the reality is that any surgical procedure can produce excessive bleeding. And if this does occur, it doesn't necessarily follow that the procedure was "botched." Duh.
The point of the article is that Planned Parenthood "botches" abortions and that's one of the reasons why they should be destroyed. But without medical records, we don't really know what happened That the allegedly "fair & balanced" Fox Nation (complete with the classic anti-choice thumb sucking fetus photo on the Fox Nation front page) would source this kind of agenda driven and absolutely venal anti-choice propaganda underscores, one again, the agenda driven and absolutely venal anti-choice propaganda of Fox News.
Oh, and btw, Operation Rescue carried Bill O'Reilly's article, "Who Will Save the Babies," which was part of Bill's crusade against Dr. Tiller.