NewsBusters is a website run by Fox fave, the hot, hirsute, and muy macho (but in a chaste, Christian, and very heterosexual way) Brent Bozell who recently suggested, in his trademark nasal inflected voice on "Hannity," that our president looks like a "skinny, ghetto crackhead." NewsBusters is devoted to ferreting out liberal bias in everything, including obscure magazines with "teenage temptresses" on their covers. A tireless crusader for family values, Bozell, who hates "The Family Guy," is now upset because the singer, Rihanna, had "Fuck off" written on her sneakers during a performance on British TV. (Bozell must have great eyesight!) But NewsBusters does love the nonbiased Fox News (cough) and Fox News does seem to reciprocate on - ready for it - the alleged "fair & balanced" Fox Special "news" Report.
On December 20th, official Fox "news" person Bret Baier cited a NewsBusters thread which criticized a UNICEF ad depicting Santa in a negative way which, according to NewsBusters and repeated by Baier, was "just another way the UN bureaucracy asserts its own moral superiority." Given that the right, for whom Fox News is mouthpiece, hates the UN, Baier's supposed "Grapevine" news item would seem to be a reinforcement of a right wing meme as well as a shout out to a right wing blog. But it's ironic, don't ya think, that Fox is waging a war against the "lefty" Media Matters for alleged bias while citing an uber right wing blog, NewsBusters which also has pride of place on the alleged "fair & balanced" Fox Nation. Got hypocrisy?
" âNewsbustersâ ..moderate" neither moderate nor moderates. If the left is as far over as you say, then Newsbusters must counter with bias on the other side. This also implies false rhetoric, as opposed to reason (objectivity)"
“.. modicum” Do you mean miniscule amount of “..decency, decorum, & deliberation..”?
Decency implies honesty and that implies objectivity.
“..the hysterical howling” Please cite examples of hysterical howling. “..of loony lefty liberals” Please explain what and why they are loony "
“..and athiests.” What is “athiesm?” (worshipers of Athi) Are all lefty liberals non-believers? Infidels, heretics, maybe, but not all are atheists.
“who infest the airwaves, internet, & print media in our befuddled, benighted nation.” Uh, ever check out the demographics of the Fox viewer?
Name-calling is a substitute for reason. I have invited you to back up your statements a number of times. Question, “Rick”? What is critical thinking?
“..decency, decorum, & deliberation..” Rick Pastel, just like your post. Please come back because the more you troll, all our trolling for knuckleheads for fish like you is almost worth it, but you don’t really say much.
Prove to us you’re a fucking genius.
I just want 110% media control. Is that asking too much?
Happy New Year to News Hounds. Keep up the good work. Never quit. Switched (back) screen names for 2012. Good tone is what it’s all about.