Recently, a Jewish rabbi was pilloried by the Christian right (and Fox News and Fox Nation) for having the audacity to say that Tim Tebow provides "fodder to a Christian revivalism." Nowhere is this use of Tim Tebow, as "fodder" for Christian revivalism, more evident than on the Fox News channel which never wastes an opportunity to create a wedge issue in which those who criticize Tim Tebow's public Christianity are cast as evildoers who-would-never-say-this-stuff-about-Muslims. Thus, as part of their vigorous defense of Tebow, his most ardent fans on Fox's "The Five" attacked not only Bill Maher, who had the audacity to send an irreverent tweet about Tebow, they also attacked atheists and pro-choicers who are frequent targets of Fox's godly, propagandistic wrath. But now that a pro-choice group has suggested that Tim Tebow's prowess be used for donations to Planned Parenthood, some on "The Five" are again full of godly Christian indignation towards atheists and pro-choicers. Got a meme? Got hypocrisy?
One of the writers on the pro-choice "Abortion Gang" blog talked about how while she admires Tebow's athletic abilities, she is uncomfortable how he used his fame to raise money, during last year's Super Bowl, for the anti-choice Focus on the Family. So she offered a constructive way for sports fans to work out this cognitive dissonance by contributing money to pro-choice groups for every touchdown that Tebow scores. Naturally, the anti-choice crazies were outraged so they suggested that their people contribute money to anti-choice groups like crisis pregnancy centers which use Jesus to talk women out of having abortions. Enter "The Five" whose Andrea Tantaros and Eric Bolling are also outraged.
The Five's liberal, for Thursday's segment, was Leslie Marshall who reported on the above cited story. When she mentioned the words Planned Parenthood, Andrea Tantaros said "ick." Marshall commented that while she disagrees with his politics, she admires Tebow's generosity. She suggested that everybody should send checks to their favorite charities when Tebow scores, Andrea Tantaros responded "that's kooky." She snarled that Tebow "reveals the hypocrisy of the left" and whined about how the left is being intolerant. Once again, she referenced how Tebow's mother didn't abort and made a ludicrous comment that "the left is against handicapped kids" and "would rather have mothers abort when they're told, due to a faulty medical test, that they're gonna be special needs..." and "that is sick." Marshallretorted that Tantaros was being unfair.
Bolling interjected that it was "disgusting" that a pro-choicer would "use Tim Tebow." He continued with a dig at Bill Maher for doing the same thing. And then - ready for it - he asked if Maher would say this if Tebow were - ready for it - a Muslim. Tantaros snarled that Maher "believes in nothing." And despite her obvious agita, claimed that she doesn't care about Maher but wants to know why Maher cares about Tebow's beliefs. (Uh, it's called satire?) Guilfoyle commented "that's my issue with atheists." (And why do you care?)
So the nice Christians on "The Five" "used" the show to, again, promote the Fox anti-atheist and anti-choice meme. And as part of the anti-choice rhetoric, Andrea Tantaros claimed, as do the anti-choice crazies, that pro-choicers want women to abort medically compromised fetuses. She also hates Planned Parenthood. So here's the thing Andrea. I realize that as a single Christian you're saving your virginity for Jesus so you don't need birth control. But in getting your gynecological care, you probably have access, through your Fox health plan, to a private ob-gyn - unlike low income women who only have access to that yucky Planned Parenthood. And if, when you're married, you give birth to a handicapped child, you'll have the resources to care for it, unlike low income women whose access to special programs is being cut back thanks to you and your fellow conservative Christians who are slashing the social safety net. Those of us on the pro-choice left are the ones who advocate for handicapped kids. And we believe that women should have the choice to terminate a pregnancy, unlike your crowd who would force women to give birth even in cases of rape and incest. The lord will provide, right?
As far as "using" Tim Tebow to promote a right wing and very Christian agenda, Fox News is the king of them all, y'all.
Record: He had a six game winning streak in an otherwise incredibly mediocre season, and has a lot of games where his poor dynamics and inability to give a f*ck until the 4th quarter is the reason they lost. As in, no bones that the rest of the offense is having an incredibly good year and could have gone all the way if they had benched him earlier.
As for “what he does”… does “Tebowing”, religious fanaticism, funding hate groups and enabling anti-semitism count? Or am I supposed to break out the rose-coloured glasses for him, because no amount of evidence seems to make me not a liar here…
It’s pointing out the Neo-Nazis in the Tea Party all over again.