On yesterday’s Your World, Barry Hinckley, a Republican U.S. Senate candidate in Rhode Island, appeared with his five-year old son, Hudson, to talk about Hudson's appearance in a campaign commercial for his dad. Naturally, the commercial was played at the beginning of the segment. Hudson was seen showing charts of the national debt and unemployment rising since he was born. "Our nations' problems are so simple apparently even a five-year old can spell it out for us," Cavuto said admiringly. Clearly, Hinckley was hoping to pimp his son for the sake of his candidacy. But how far did he go and how far is too far? Oddly, when Cavuto asked little Hudson questions, his father mouthed many of the answers as the child spoke. When Papa Hinckley didn’t, the son went off script.
Cavuto asked Hudson what his friends thought of the ad. "I don't know right now." Hudson said. You can see his father mouth the same thing as the child spoke.
Later, Cavuto said, "Hudson, are you worried about our debt?"
"No," Hudson said. This time, Father’s mouth did not seem to move.
"So the whole ad was a lie," Cavuto half joked.
Dad stepped in to say, "We do talk about it, actually, in the car. He understands it." Hudson looked down, as if ashamed or disinterested.
Later, Cavuto asked Hudson, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Hudson said, "I want to be in the war and save the country." The father was mouthing along again.
Cavuto either didn't notice this peculiar behavior or else decided to ignore it.
Mediaite’s Jon Bershad called this segment the “creepiest thing ever” and we can’t disagree. Bershad came up with a few possible explanations:
- That the boy has a earphone in and his dad is telling what to say and, for some reason, thinks he’s a much better ventriloquist than he actually is.
- That Hudson’s responses were all scripted and Hinckley can’t help but mouth his brilliant dialogue.
- Hudson is actually some kind of AI-style android that is being controlled by its “father.”
What do you guys think?
Five years ago, five year-olds couldn’t talk, walk, dress themselves, have an allowance, play outside, attend school, or make their own choices.
So… yes.
Coicidentally… five years ago? 2011minus 5 would be 2006, when Bush was still president. So, this analogy kinda backfires, donnit?