Greta Van Susteren managed to sound more moronic than Sarah Palin last night – and in a discussion about Benghazi, no less. The discussion began with Van Susteren asking, “Are the attacks on Ambassador Susan Rice sexism or something else?” The choice of Palin as a guest guaranteed the answer she’d get. And don’t tell me she didn’t know that. But Van Susteren put her own "feminist" spin on the situation by arguing that yes, Rice has been the victim of sexism – because she’s gotten a pass in the media.
Predictably, Palin didn’t just say, “It has nothing to do with (Rice's) gender,” but used the occasion to further attack the Obama administration. “Susan Rice’s handling of Libya has been part and parcel of the Obama administration’s handling of Libya, which has been appalling. It’s been atrocious. And it’s really indicative of a lack of competency.”
So spoke the poster child for ignorant and unqualified vice presidential candidates - especially on foreign policy.
But Van Susteren had her own thoughts on the subject:
I actually, in sort of a curious way, think there is sexism involved here. And I think it’s appalling and the sexism is this way: Is that for some reason, because she’s a woman, she’s given a pass. That she’s held to lower standards – which I object to. I want to be held to same standards, equal standards. But there are some who will let her take a pass for giving false information, whether knowingly or unknowingly, sitting on it for 73 days until about three days ago when she spoke to some U.S. Senators behind closed doors. For some reason, she gets a pass on that. I don’t get that and I think that’s actually demeaning to women if that’s actually why she’s getting that pass.
Well, in that case, I’m sure Van Susteren will be speaking out soon to make sure Fox News contributor Judith Miller no longer gets a pass for all the false information she gave out that helped promote the phony weapons-of-mass-destruction excuse for invading Iraq. I'd say Van Susteren also owes an explanation as to why she wasn’t tougher on Condoleezza Rice for her promotion of fear mongering and falsehoods about Iraq during a recent interview with Rice on Benghazi.
Van Susteren went on to say that Fox News has been excluded from some Obama Administration briefings and conference calls.
“They are trying to punish Fox because we dare to ask them questions and all we’re asking questions are, what are the facts on four murders and the more you try to hide it, the more – when 71 days drags to 72 days, drags to 73 days and we’re still not getting the answer, it’s reasonable to be suspicious that you’re trying to hide something. So tell us and that will end it.”
Well, that’s hilarious. Putting aside Fox’s overtly partisan operation that never just “asks questions” of the Obama administration, Fox’s coverage of Benghazi has been explicitly politicized. Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Tom Ricks made that same point – or tried to – on Happening Now earlier this week. And got booted off the show for his trouble. Unlike Van Susteren, whose background is essentially that of a trial attorney, Ricks is a veteran military reporter. He said during his short time on Fox's air:
How many security contractors died in Iraq, do you know? ...Nobody does, because nobody cared. We know that several hundred died, but there was never an official count done of security contractors dead in Iraq. So when I see this focus on what was essentially a small firefight, I think, number one, I’ve covered a lot of firefights. It’s impossible to figure out what happens in them sometimes. And second, I think that the emphasis on Benghazi has been extremely political, partly because Fox was operating as a wing of Republican Party.
It’s also hilarious for Van Susteren to assert that Rice is getting a pass. I doubt that an hour goes by without someone on Fox News attacking her. And it’s not just Fox.
What’s not funny is that despite Van Susteren’s reiteration that her real concern is for the dead Americans, discussions about the Benghazi attack always seem to be all about Obama. But given her lack of concern for the thousands who died in Iraq based on false information, it’s no surprise that four dead Americans would fall by the partisan wayside, too.
Palin And Van Susteren Bash The Press Corps For Not Pushing Obama Admin On Libya
Sarah Palin appeared on Fox News tonight with Greta Van Susteren to talk about the continuing controversy over Susan Rice and the erroneous information she provided in the wake of the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi almost three months ago.
Greta Van Susteren is the lowest rated of Fox News’ weekday hosts- her ratings are almost as bad as the weekend shows. She’s regularly beaten in the ratings by at least one show, and if a major story just broke… she’s dead last. Celebrity gossip on HLN beats her.
Fox News, by the confession of Ailes and Murdoch, is all about the ratings. They don’t even try to hide that they couldn’t care less about anything else. And you’re not delivering, Greta. You can’t pull in the ratings, so by the standards put on you by your employers… you’re not a good enough journalist to continue working for Fox News.
If you have any decency, you’ll pack up your desk and give your show to someone else. Or are you cashing in on the sexism that gives you a pass on your incompetence?
I agree.
Running a town of 5,000 from zero to $20+ million in debt while serving as mayor is indicative of a lack of competency.
But, enough about you, Ms. Palin . . .
Lil Ricky’s been in the treacle jug again. Always thought that stuff was mind-numbing.
Sarah – I’m so dumbed down yu’ll hafta feed me some lines!
Greta – Blah blah – Lie! blah blah – Hate!
Sarah – Blah blah – Lie! blah blah – Hate!
Greta – Looks like we agree!!!
Sarah – Yup!
Greta – This worked so well fer Mitt Whats-Hiz-Name!
Sarah – Whoz?!
Greta – Well anyway, weez off ta a Great Start fer 2012!!
Sarah – 20-Wuuuatz?!
Greta – Ah-Ha-Ha!
Sarah – Now yer talkin’!!!
Together – 2012!! 2012!! 2012!!
Finally. It’s past time for our President to deal with Fux Noise for what they are. A hyper-partisan propaganda outlet for the Repug-Teabagger Party. As long as Jabba T. Ailes is in charge, Fux Noise will never be a legitimate news organization.
BFFs Van Suckup and the Whore of Babble-On are an old tiresome pair of nags.