Murdoch pet Tucker Carlson teamed up with Qanon Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene last night to thuggishly try to intimidate phone companies from complying with January 6th Committee subpoenas and revealing information they are obviously terrified of seeing the light of day.
The fact that Carlson would give any credence to Greene, much less promote her as a valid voice protecting democracy, speaks volumes about Carlson’s deep hatred for this country and his continuing war on America that is bankrolled by the Murdochs.
Carlson and Greene are obviously very, very worried about what the January 6th Committee will find in GOP phone records
In this case, Carlson’s mission, as well as Greene’s is to keep January 6 phone records from going public. Yesterday, the select committee investigating the January 6th insurrection issued orders to 35 social media and communications companies to preserve records that may be relevant to the committee's investigation. Carlson and Greene seem ready to go to any lengths to prevent taxpayers from knowing what Greene and her fellow coup supporters were up to that day.
According to Carlson, the insurrectionists were patriotic victims. The damage and destruction at the Capitol is Nancy Pelosi’s fault, or the FBI’s or something.
If Carlson really believed his own rhetoric, he’d welcome any investigation as an opportunity to prove his point. The fact that he isn’t, proves what a lying, treasonous coward he is.
To cover up for his obvious fear of what might get found out, F***y Tucky recast the lawful orders as unlawful.
By the way, no records have been subpoenaed by the committee, just an order for their preservation. But the apparently panicked Carlson couldn't seem to tell the difference:
CARLSON: Democrats on the so-called January 6th Commission are now demanding that the big wireless carriers like AT&T turn over the personal communications of Members of Congress, as well as the Trump family. We will quote CNN on this, quote: "In its request to Verizon for example, the select committee asks that the cell site location information, call data records, and content, cloud or storage content and subscriber information be preserved."
Oh, so in other words when you disobey Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democratic leadership, they seize your text messages. Does that sound like a free country to you? No, and we can't allow it to happen if we want to live in a free country.
Tucker Carlson openly supports threatening businesses into flouting the law (and the Murdochs pay him handsomely for it)
In this case, Carlson was doing a solid for the House GOP and, by sheer coincidence I’m sure, his son, Buckley Carlson, who just happens to be communications director for rising GOP star Rep. Jim Banks. You may recall that Banks’ attempt to sabotage the January 6th Committee was thwarted when Speaker Pelosi rejected him from sitting on it. So now, Carlson is attempting to help sabotage it for Banks, the GOP and, no doubt, Buckley.
CARLSON: [House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy] just provided this show with this statement, quote: "Adam Schiff, Bennie Thompson, and Nancy Pelosi's attempts to strong-arm private companies to turn over individuals' private data would put every American with a phone or computer in the crosshairs of a surveillance state run by Democratic politicians." True.
"If these companies comply," he continues, " ... with the Democrat order to turn over private information, they are in violation of Federal law and subject to losing their ability to operate in the United States. If they pursue this path, a Republican majority will not forget and will be ready to hold them fully accountable under the law," end quote.
That sounds like a threat and we fervently hope it is.
Craven Carlson casts treasonous Greene as a victim
Carlson was too spineless to provide viewers with any explanation of the Committee’s reason for wanting Greene’s phone records. So he made one up – anything to keep the truth from the public, it would seem. Or maybe anything to help Buckley.
CARLSON: Did you know that if you voted in a way that Nancy Pelosi didn't like, she would strong-arm a company into turning over your private text messages? Was that part of the deal as you understood it?
GREENE: Absolutely not. As a matter of fact, I think it's outrageous after what America has been through especially this past week and what the Joe Biden administration has done leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan, service dogs, fully arming the Taliban. Now, they want to drag Americans and American taxpayers through another witch hunt just like we saw with Russian collusion conspiracy lies and what they did to President Trump spending over 30 million on what turned out to be nothing more than absolute Democrat political warfare.
This is what they're trying to do to all of us, but this is leading us into waters that we've never been in in America.
GREENE: You see America was never meant to be a communist country, but these are the tactics that Democrats are wanting to use.
CARLSON: Well yes, I mean demanding your text messages if they don't like your politics. Now, we've been tough on Kevin McCarthy for being weak. That statement is not weak. That statement is a flat out promise, threat, whatever you want to call it. If you do this, there are consequences.
I don't see any other way out of it other than to make that clear, do you?
Carlson is an absolutely horrible person but he’s not a stupid one. And he surely knows that Greene was full of crap when she went on to claim that Congressional Democrats are breaking the law. He also surely knows that if they are, the companies can go to court and fight them. But F***y Tucky acted as though Greene was talking sense in order to egg on her thuggishness.
GREENE: It is no longer Republicans versus Democrats, it's more like Americans versus communists. And you see it's not just us that will be in extreme danger, it is the American people because we never want to have a federal government where they are willing to break federal law, violate our privacy, search and seizure, and demand from private companies to hand over this data.
And these cell phone companies, these telecommunications companies, they better not play with these Democrats because Republicans are coming back into the majority in 2022 and we will take this very serious.
CARLSON: Well you should shut them down. I mean, you should take those companies down. Would it be okay if Nancy Pelosi forced a private security company to raid your house at gunpoint at three in the morning because she doesn't like your politics? Like where is this going? This is the single craziest thing I've heard in in memory out of Washington.
GREENE: Well, it's outrageous and it should let everyone know these Democrats are not the Democrats that maybe your mommy and daddy voted for. These Democrats have fully changed and they do not care about your privacy. They will do anything to achieve their political means and that means violating Federal law.
And we will, these telecommunications companies, if they go along with this, they will be shut down and that's a promise.
CARLSON: Good. I hope they're afraid of you. They should be. They should be.
You can watch Carlson’s war on America, bankrolled by the Murdochs, below, from the August 31, 2021 Tucker Carlson Tonight, via Media Matters.
According to the First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Sounds just like Fox News??
When you stand Carlson (I can’t give him a cuddly name, sorry) next to the single most toxic POS in this or any recent Congress, it becomes so much clearer just how shameless and debased an Ivy League trust fund baby can become.
BTW MISTER Carlson – it is not a ‘so-called commission’, but a real and actual bipartisan House Select Committee as defined under longstanding parliamentary tradition and US Constitutional law.