Fox’s Tucker Carlson had the nerve to suggest that President Obama should disarm his Secret Service protection in order to avoid being a hypocrite on gun control. While he was attacking Obama for politicizing the Charleston shooting.
Host Carlson started off a discussion on the subject by smearing the president: “He immediately jumps in as demagogues do,” he said to guest Eric Guster, “to use this tragedy as a justification for his pre-existing political strategy. Isn’t that unattractive at best?”
Guster didn’t object to Carlson’s offhand reference to the president as a “demagogue.” Instead, Guster went right along with the Fox meme. He didn’t point out how Fox has politicized the tragedy, even though he was on the network the night before when a Fox regular blamed black liberals for the shooting.
“This is one of the few times I disagree with President Obama,” Guster began, thus legitimizing Carlson’s smear by treating it as acceptable commentary. “And this was not a case about gun control. …This is about a racist, terrorist act and that’s what it is.”
Actually, President Obama wasn’t saying otherwise. He said that we would have fewer mass shootings if the country were not “awash with easily accessible guns.” Somehow, that point was lost on Guster.
“What we have to concentrate on are the nine families that have been impacted by this and start grieving for them instead of making it a political football,” Guster continued. He so neatly ignored how Fox has made Charleston a political football that you have to wonder if he’s angling for a contract.
Even worse, Guster did not object when Carlson made his jaw-dropping comments about the Secret Service.
CARLSON: There’s nobody in the world surrounded by more armed people than President Obama himself. I notice he’s not suggesting that the people around him disarm. He wants to remain protected, but the rest of us have to go without means of self-protection. Do you see any kind of hypocrisy there?
Democrat Jehmu Greene, the other guest and a Fox News contributor, challenged the question. “To say that the protection of the president of the United States is hypocritical because he has people with guns around him, Tucker, that is beneath this discussion,” she said. “That is beneath the situation that we are dealing with.”
Carlson got testy. “Why don’t you address the question for a moment… “
Greene continued, “To try to compare Secret Service armed people to someone who walks into a church and kills nine people and to say the president doesn’t have a right to talk about gun control because people with him have guns – is that literally where we are as a country? To compare that he shouldn’t have protection?” She shook her head. “That’s sad.”
“No, no, what we’re saying is, The president’s position is that guns cause violence, guns are inherently bad and dangerous,” Carlson opined. “The rest of us need to disarm and not protect ourselves. And he’s exempt from that?”
Greene correctly pointed out that President Obama was not saying anything of the sort but that “we have had this conversation too many times and there is something that we can do about it.”
Carlson turned back to Guster with another disreputable question. “Is the president’s contention that preventing tragedies like is as simple as passing gun control agenda - do we know that? Is that backed by social science? That does seem like an overstatement.”
Again, President Obama clearly said he didn’t think gun control would prevent all tragedies like this but that some lives would be saved. But Guster did not challenge the falsehood.
Watch it below, from the June 20 Fox & Friends, via Raw Story.
And to talk gun control isn’t the same as ‘gun grabbing’ bans the paranoid right-wing crazies always go into apoplexy over. The Secret Service already is under reasonable gun control policies with personnel going through extensive background checks plus continual and extensive training/certification.
“Security is essential when republicans are in office.”
Remember after the shooting at Newtown?
The wingers were all lathered about teachers and staff carrying guns in schools, to the point where they screamed that either EVERY child should go to school with Secret Service protection, or NONE should — including the President’s daughters.
Rightwingnut ignorance and hatred: it’s a shame we can’t harness it for energy use; it’s like a constantly renewing resource . . .
From the moment the attack hit the news, he and his fellow rightwingnut noisemakers have fallen all over themselves trying to do two things:
- characterize it as an attack on Christians, on South Carolinians, the work of someone mentally deranged . . . ANYTHING except what it was, a racist hate crime
- find SOME way to connect the tragedy to President Obama/make it his fault
Bowtie’s suggestion that a federal law enforcement agency be unarmed is simply the latest and most ridiculous of these attempts . . .
Tucker was also one of the first people to lambaste Clinton when he put cement barriers up in front of the White House.
Y’see, security is a weakness when Democrats are in office.
Security is essential when republicans are in office.
Any other questions…?