Underneath Carlson’s ridiculous claim that it’s “probably illegal” for Joe Biden to choose a woman of color as his running mate is a familiar theme from Carlson: People of color get undeserved, preferential treatment in America.
Before Carlson got to his conclusion of illegality, he not-so-subtly suggested that three of the Black women reported to be in the running only got there via (undeserved) affirmative action. For extra smearing and fear mongering, he claimed the vice president is “the person who will run the government if Biden wins in November.”
CARLSON: Now, in a normal year no mainstream candidate would consider any of these people. All of them would be disqualified without debate. Karen Bass is a lunatic Fidel Castro acolyte who praised Scientology and once belonged to an armed revolutionary group. She's out.
Stacey Abrams is so delusional, she thinks she's the Governor of Georgia and, by the way, she's essentially unemployed. In one of her last regular jobs, she wrote bad porn novels. For real.
Kamala Harris, meanwhile, is so transparently transactional that even Democratic primary voters who have a strong stomach found her repulsive. Pretty much no one who knows Kamala Harris likes her.
So overall, it's not a blue ribbon group. …
For what could very well be the most important job on earth, Biden has decided to hire exclusively on the basis of qualities that are both immutable and completely irrelevant: Race and gender. And that's it.
But wait a second, you ask, isn't that insulting? Isn't it wrong? Isn't it probably illegal? Yes, it is all three of those things. But no one's pushing back against it, so Biden is doing it.
Later in the same commentary (but not in the video below) Carlson acknowledged that on that very day, “the odds seemed to shift dramatically” toward Susan Rice who, he admitted, is “smart,” “hard-eyed” and “experienced.”
So, without any affirmative action ammo against Rice, what’s a guy like Carlson to say about Rice during his White Power Hour? She’s a Black menace. Or, as Carlson put it, “Susan Rice knows exactly what she wants and she understands the system well enough to get it. She is a threat.”
You can watch Carlson deliberately smear Black women below, from the August 3, 2020 Tucker Carlson Tonight, via Media Matters.