In stark contradiction to Trish Regan, Tucker Carlson sounded the alarm about the “very serious problem” that is the coronavirus. But ever the bigoted dog whistler, he repeatedly called it the “Chinese coronavirus.”
As a large graphic blared, "THE CHINESE CORONAVIRUS" with the word "Chinese" emblazoned in red, Carlson began a commentary with a wildly divergent message from that of his evening colleagues.
CARLSON: The Chinese coronavirus epidemic turns out to be just that -- an epidemic. There's no denying that now.
An obscure virus arising from a meat market in Eastern China to sicken American citizens in Oregon, in New Hampshire, in Illinois, in Midtown Manhattan -- it sounds ridiculous.
None of our leaders helped us to take it seriously. On the left, you've heard them tell you that the real worry is that you might use the wrong word to describe what's happening to the country. It's racist, they’re telling you, to blame the most racist nation in the world for the spread of this virus. Right.
Wait, I though the left was using the virus to destroy Donald Trump, like Trish Regan accused – at the very same time, over on Fox Business Network.
It’s different hate mongering for different shows, I guess.
Nevertheless, Carlson’s criticisms of Trump and his sycophants were unmistakable, even if he declined to name names:
CARLSON: Meanwhile, if we are being honest, the other side has not been especially helpful, either. People you trust, people you probably voted for, have spent weeks minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem. It's just partisan politics, they say. Calm down. In the end, this is just like the flu and people die from that every year. Coronavirus will pass, and when it does, we will feel foolish for worrying about it. That's their position.
No doubt these people have good intentions as they say this, many of them anyway. They may not know any better. Maybe they're just not paying attention, or maybe they believe they're serving some higher cause by shading reality.
Nobody wants to be manipulated by a corrupt media establishment -- and it is corrupt. And there's an election coming up. Best not to say anything that might help the other side. We get it.
But they're wrong. The Chinese coronavirus is a major event. It will affect your life. And by the way, it's definitely not just the flu.
In a typical year, the flu in this country has a mortality rate of about one in a thousand. The overall death rate for this virus, by contrast, is as high as 3.4 percent. That's 34 times deadlier.
But even that number masks the true effects because the mortality is not distributed evenly. For those aged 70 to 79, the death rate is about 8 percent; those over 80, it’s nearly 15 percent. Death rates are also higher for those with diabetes, respiratory ailments or heart conditions. That's a lot of people.
Carlson went on to suggest that a global recession may well be in the offing. If so, “it will not be so simple to fight it,” Carlson said.
CARLSON: The usual stimulus efforts -- tax cuts and lower rates -- won't reopen factories that have shut down to contain a virus. We won't get people to eat at closed restaurants or shop in closed malls or attend canceled sporting events. We're going to have a demand problem in this economy, and that's a big deal.
In other words, our country is likely to experience a painful period we are powerless to stop. None of this is justification to panic; you shouldn't panic. In crisis, it is more important than ever to be calm. But staying calm is not the same as remaining complacent. It does not mean assuring people that everything will be fine. We don't know that.
Instead, it is better to tell the truth. That is always the surest sign of strength.
Carlson also warned that the Chinese may withhold life-saving drugs and medical equipment from the U.S. And it may be true, but that hardly seems like a good reason to start demonizing them.
CARLSON: The Chinese coronavirus will get worse. Its effects will be far more disruptive than they are right now. That is not a guess; it is inevitable no matter what they're telling you. Let's hope everyone stops lying about that and soon.
So instead of using the public health emergency to attack Democrats, Carlson is signaling he’ll use it to go after people of color.
You can watch the messaging disconnect below, from the March 9, 2020 Tucker Carlson Tonight.