Tucker Carlson once again behaved like a lazy frat boy as he feigned a serious commentary about the Green New Deal but quickly devolved into a series of name calling and personal attacks on its supporters, including Fox’s current obsession, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Instead of denying there’s a problem with climate change, and risk looking like a flat-earther, Carlson said, “Let’s concede that global warming imperils the earth.” Rather than endorse any concrete actions to address it - and risk looking like he might side with the very people he was about to smear - Carlson quickly pivoted to his usual smarminess: ad hominem attacks backed up with nothing but Carlson’s say so.
In this case, Carlson distracted from what even he acknowledged is a serious issue by accusing Democrats who support the Green New Deal of improperly dealing with climate change. According to Carlson, that means targeting China instead of trying to institute changes in the U.S.
Carlson may be lazy but he’s sly. He avoided considering how Democrats or any other American would successfully pressure China to pollute less. Nor did he explain why Americans should ignore our own country’s behavior in the process. But the China feint, ludicrous as it was, served as a pretext for Carlson’s real message: demonizing American liberals.
CARLSON: Who exactly is our enemy in this war? Well, carbon, of course. … And who is the biggest carbon dealer on planet earth? … It’s China … the undisputed kingpin in the carbon trade.
You don’t see Democratic activists or professional environmentalists camped outside the Chinese embassy in protest. Nobody’s demanding sanctions on China ‘til they stop polluting. That screeching moron, Ocasio-Cortez, isn’t telling China to give up coal and oil and natural gas and nuclear power within a decade. No way!
The left isn’t doing any of that because the left loves the Chinese government. It’s their model for governing.
You see what’s going on. The Green New Deal is not about the environment. Just like gun control is not about school shootings and speech codes have nothing to do with sensitivity. Nothing is what they say it is. What it’s really about is punishment and control. The Green New Deal is a religious document. It punishes America for the sins of its prosperity. The only atonement it offers is turning over full control of the entire U.S. economy to the Democratic party. That’s the indulgence they require. They’re using moral blackmail to get it. OF course they are. Democrats always do.
Watch this latest bit of anti-Americanism from Carlson below, from the February 13, 2019 Tucker Carlson Tonight.