Dr. Marc Siegel has repeatedly proved he’s more interested in promoting Donald Trump than medical science – and that makes him just the kind of doctor Trump adores.
While Siegel was playing lapdog in his interview with Trump Wednesday, Trump took a swipe at the country's top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, while pretending otherwise:
TRUMP: You know, when you look at Dr. Fauci and others -- and this isn't a knock, because this is just the way it -- if you look, early on, they were all saying, don't wear a mask. Don't wear a mask. That didn't make total sense to me, but don't wear a mask. Now they're all saying, wear a mask.
But Siegel? The guy who said on Fox about the coronavirus, “at worst, worst case scenario it could be the flu” and agreed with a host that the more you know about it, “the less there is to worry about,” then changed his tune right in sync with Trump? Now, there’s a pandemic expert for Trump, a guy so smart he can remember (with a little trouble) five words in a row: person, woman, man, camera TV.
From the interview transcript:
SIEGEL: Mr. President, great news today on vaccines again.
SIEGEL: Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, 100 million doses being purchased by the federal government for $2 billion. It seems like therapeutics and vaccines are really proceeding at a major speed.
TRUMP: They are, Marc. They are going really well. I watch you all the time. And I watch -- you're almost like my guide to this, because, frankly, you really have a good take on it. You know how important it is. The vaccines are doing well and therapeutics. I mean, you tell me, but I almost would prefer the therapeutics even first.
You go into the hospital, you make people better. But we are doing very well with Remdesivir and other things. The steroids are turning out to be great. Plasma is turning out to be really good. We have made tremendous progress. And I think that's why you see the death numbers -- it's a horrible thing to say, but that's why you see the death numbers really looking much better.
Media Matters concluded that Trump was calling Siegel his “guide” to vaccines, but I think he was talking more broadly about treatment and maybe even the illness, itself. Regardless, Media Matters put together the perfect video to demonstrate that Siegel should not be a guide to anything related to COVID-19, other than on how to propagandize about it on Trump’s behalf.
Watch it below for a good look at Trump's kind of expert.
The problem is that RWingers are reluctant to accept invitations to appear on CNN. Thanks to Newshounds, I can keep up with the alternate reality that permeates the GOP.