Today on Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace discussed the gender gap and Republican Indiana Senate candidate Richard Mourdock’s comments about rape. Then Wallace asked Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) why a pro-choice woman should vote for Mitt Romney given his stance on abortion and Planned Parenthood. Johnson’s surprising answer was that nobody cares about abortion. But polling indicates otherwise.
At about 11 minutes in, Wallace brought up the gender gap.
Wallace played a clip of Mourdock saying, “Life is a gift from God and I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.”
Wallace then asked Senator Johnson, “Mitt Romney disavowed Richard Mourdock’s comments and Richard Mourdock has tried to walk them back but it does bring up the bigger question: Why should a woman who believes of freedom of choice when it comes to abortion, why should she vote for Mitt Romney who has said he would like to see Roe v. Wade overturned and who favors cutting off all federal funding for Planned Parenthood?”
Johnson answered, “Well, Chris, first of all, I’ve had one person talk about the abortion issue during this entire campaign.” Then he changed the subject to talking about how well Romney works with Democrats – and attacking President Obama for being “totally unable to work with divided government.”
Wallace interrupted, presumably to press Johnson to answer the question.
Jonson said, “It’s not even an issue here in Wisconsin. I mean, it doesn’t even move the radar at all.”
He went on to make the dubious claim that what people care about is Benghazi.
Wallace did not challenge Johnson’s assessments but he had every reason to do so (except that it might break Fox News’ “Never make a Republican look bad” Commandment).
Besides the polls, an article on by David Rothschild, from the Wharton School of Business, notes that Mourdock’s chances of winning have taken a nosedive in Rothschild’s prediction model.
While I can understand that Johnson was in a difficult spot trying to defend the indefensible, to dismiss Mourdock’s insensitive remark by saying that women don’t care about an issue they obviously do care about is to insult them all over again.
He went on to make the dubious claim that what people care about is Benghazi.
Doncha just LOVE it when an old white guy is so in tune with what women are thinking?
It’s reminiscent of the times Rush Limpballs has presumed to speak for the interests of African Americans . . .
They want everyone to keep their mouths shut on this issue and wait until after the election knowing it’s not helping close the gender gap and the women’s vote could cost them the election. If they win, then they’ll give them what they want, but for now, shhhhh.
Keep thinking it’s not important! And please repeat that every day until election day. Thanks!