While a normal person might have thought that Donald Trump’s stunt of giving out Senator Lindsey Graham’s cell phone number was a disqualification for being president, Sean Hannity called it “one of the funniest things I’ve ever saw in a presidential campaign.”
At about 7:20 into his lapdog interview with Senator Ted Cruz, Hannity asked about Trump.
HANNITY: I want to ask you what you - what do you make of the phenomenon or the rise of Trump in the polls? I know you recently met with him. I actually thought it was one of the funniest things I've ever saw in a presidential campaign when he did this to Lindsey Graham, who called him a jackass and started a fight, when he did this yesterday.
After playing the clip of Trump that stopped just as he gave out the number, Hannity said, “I'll be honest, I look at Lindsey Graham as part of the problem. He's one of the guys that won't stand up on immigration. He's one of the guys that I would say is a RINO Republican.”
Sean Hannity: Classy as ever.
Watch him below, in a clip from the July 22 Hannity show.
I live in the South and we have a lot of people whose takes on the English language are, shall we say, interesting to say the very least. (Hell, I’ve got relatives in rural Pennsylvania whose language is identical to most of my neighbors, except for the accent.)
Grammar’s only important to Hannutty and his audience when it’s African-American English (and it threatens to cross over to the whitebread mainstream).
And what’s this sh!t about “Lindsey Graham, who called him a jackass and started a fight”? Wow, talking about ignoring the elephant in the room. If Hannity wants to lay blame via who “started” this ruckus, it wasn’t Graham – it was Trump when he insulted McCain (and every other soldier who has been captured).
It’s hard to convey how people outside the USA are reacting to the Trump: dropped jaws, double-takes, incredulous looks at the helpless Americans in their midst. Embarrassing to say the least.