Sarah Palin veered sharply from her usual “lamestream media” and “Obama is destroying America” shtick tonight and suddenly began ranting against Karl Rove and the “GOP machine” that ran the McCain campaign in 2008. That was pretty surprising given that Rove is her colleague and you can pretty much count Fox News, Palin’s employer, as a major part of that GOP machine, if not the actual engine. But the even bigger shocker was that Palin, the poster child for ignorance, lack of experience and who not to choose as a running mate, suggested that if only she had been allowed to blow the whistle on “Obama’s lack of knowledge and job experience” and, of course, Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers, she would have won.
Palin was the lead-off guest on an On The Record special tonight in which host Greta Van Susteren spent an entire hour attacking President Obama over his allegation that Republicans are wasting time over “phony scandals.”
“The bottom line is somethin’s up,” Palin alleged. Not that she had any real information about what that might be. Nor did she explain what she meant when she said the Obama administration is “orchestrating chaos.” Predictably, Van Susteren neither asked for details nor challenged the accusation.
Palin continued:
The only fans that aren’t going to bail on this stall play that we’re all observing is still, the media, the mainstream media. They’re gonna stick with this because they’re part of the problem. And it’s going to be to the detriment of the profession of journalism. And it will be to the detriment of a free America as we know it. And we saw what happened back in 2008. I believe that’s when it started when the media decided to just go along to get along with Obama, ingratiating themselves with him and vice versa.
But after those noble sentiments about the “profession of journalism” and “a free America as we know it,” Palin suddenly launched her tirade against Rove and the Republican party establishment - while catapulting herself into the role of would-be Obama vanquisher and America savior.
What we saw was these attempts to destroy the whistleblowers, those who were telling the truth, even in the campaign. Those who were bringing up the name Jeremiah Wright and the racist church that he leads, that Obama was a member of for over 20 years, though I was during the campaign, running for VP, I was banned from talking about Jeremiah Wright and Obama’s friend, Bill Ayers, is the character that he befriended and kicked off his political campaign in the guy’s living room. Couldn’t talk about that. Couldn’t talk about Obama’s lack of knowledge and job experience and the things that, the things that he said like, uh, American had 57 states, things like that.
In the campaign! Greta, this is important for Americans to understand. I was not allowed to talk about things like that because those elitists, those who are the brainiacs in the GOP machine running John McCain’s campaign at the time, said that the media would eat us alive if we brought up these things. So what did that get us, though? What that got us, this kind of complacency and a self-censoring of a campaign where we weren’t allowed to tell the truth about who this candidate was, Barack Obama? What it got us was a list of these scandals.
She held up a large white page of handwritten notes. Mocking Karl Rove’s white board that he often brings to Fox News segments, Palin added, “This is kind of the redneck version of one of those elitist tactics of Karl Rove, how uses his white board, this is the redneck version of the white board and on this lists the scandals that are destroying America, Greta.”
Van Susteren finally interrupted to bring the discussion back to the media and President Obama. But Palin dropped one more ridiculous inanity before she left. “We are the ones doing the job that the media could, should be doing.”
Apparently, in Palin’s mind, appearing during prime time on a national cable news network - while being on the payroll of said news network – doesn’t count as being part of the media.
Something tells me this little rant is not going to go down well with Palin's higher ups.
This right wing myth that we liberals are not patriotic as they are is ridiculous. We disagree and vote differently. I’m not a better American than they are, nor do they have a love of country than any of us. We don’t separate those at Arlington National Cemetery by how they voted.
Karl Rove is a liberal ? Oh dear. I feel a really bad case of the giggles coming on.
Yes, it was Schmidt and Wallace who told Palin to shut up (and by the way, Wallace spells her first name Nicolle, not Nicole) but Palin made it clear that Rove is part of the elitist “brainiacs” in the GOP machine.
However, while you are certainly free to disagree with my interpretation, you have no business and one hell of a nerve suggesting liberals are not Americans. You have been permanently banned from this website.
“Showing how STUPID the author of this hate-filled, wildly inaccurate tripe is, Karl Rove is a liberal who is absolutely HATED by Conservatives.”
KKKarl “Turdblossom” Rove is a . . . LIBERAL?
Thanks, Gary; that was too hilarious for a response!!
“On the other hand, Sarah Palin spent almost no money, and just using her golden touch, 75% of her candidates are now in office. She is the “Good Housekeeping Seal” of approval, when it comes to endorsements.”
Proof — once again — that basic math is not the rightwingnut’s strong suit.
In 2010, Lady Blah Blah endorsed 64 total candidates; just over half (33) won — and the majority of those endorsements came AFTER those candidates were already comfortably ahead:
So you think it’s OK, because of politics, to print provable lies about Governor Palin, or anyone else, just because you disagree with their politics? Why am I not surprised.
That’s the difference between liberals and everyone else. If you go to a site for Americans, and someone prints provable lies, even about an anti-American radical like Obama, they will be called out in a New York minute.
Truth matters to Americans, liberals, not so much.
As long as long as your hate is stoked and false notions reinforced, you are a happy little zombie.
You wonder why the American people laugh at liberals, while also looking at them in total disgust? Websites like this, and losers like you are the reason why.
I laugh at you morons who run with this like it’s news though. Palin was raising holy hell in 2008 DURING the election which prompted Schmidt and Wallace, both of whom voted for Obama, to say she “went rogue”!
In her New York Times bestseller, “Going Rogue” Governor Palin talks extensively about the complete malpractice Schmidt and Wallace were engaged in.
Oh, and even in 2008 it was old news that Barack Obama had LONG and DEEP ties to murdering domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. Before getting into politics Obama served on TWO different “education” foundations, really communist front groups, and ran one of them, both created by Bill Ayers.
Obama started his political careerat a fund raiser thrown by terrorist Bill Ayers and his cop killing wife Bernardine Dorhn, in their living room.
Only stupid democrats, but I repeat myself, don’t know Obama’s radical anti-American history.
Showing how STUPID the author of this hate-filled, wildly inaccurate tripe is, Karl Rove is a liberal who is absolutely HATED by Conservatives. He’s one of the reasons the GOP is in so much trouble. Like all liberals, Rove and his ilk are corrupt as hell, and completely useless.
Look at 2012. Rove spent $300 MILLION and got nearly no one elected. All but a couple of his candidates crashed and burned.
On the other hand, Sarah Palin spent almost no money, and just using her golden touch, 75% of her candidates are now in office. She is the “Good Housekeeping Seal” of approval, when it comes to endorsements.
Sarah Palin claims she had info that would have ended Obama’s 2008 run, and she was stopped by…
Karl Rove.
There is no response to that which excludes repeatedly calling her a retard.
I dunno which is more ironic:
Sarah Palin claiming she was silenced
Sarah Palin talking about someone else’s ignorance
“The group’s proposed offensive would include hyping the Fast and Furious gun-trafficking controversy, slamming Obama’s record, and touting Benghazi as a full-fledged scandal. " (Mother Jones)
And Check!
Hmm??? Maybe Sarah wants in the coalition? Here’s what Steve Benen (Maddow Blog) wrote about the coalition: “….but there’s reason to believe these right-wing activists — surprise, surprise — aren’t especially sharp.” Benen goes on to quote MJ saying that the coalition “has no use for Karl Rove’s effort.”
Sorry, Ricky, I couldn’t resist.
Oh really, Palin? Below are links to a few of her speeches/interviews that show otherwise. She brought up Ayers and Wright numerous times. No doubt there are even more instances of her speaking of the people she was supposedly “banned” from speaking about – these are just a few that quickly popped up in my google search.
Pffft, banned, my ass. Palin = Liar and a member of the dishonest media.
After all, this is the moron who, being interviewed by Glenn Beck, said that “obviously, we’ve got to stand by our North Korean allies.”
The moron who, after screwing up an account of Paul Revere’s ride, went on FoxNoise and doubled down by stating that Revere “warned the British.”
The moron who moved Ronald Reagan’s alma mater, Eureka College, from Illinois to California.
The moron who rationalized why it was okay for Rush Limbaugh to use the word, “retard,” but not okay for Rahm Emanuel to use it.
The moron who put New Hampshire in the Northwest.
The moron who couldn’t properly explain the duties of the Vice-President to a third grader.
The moron who said, “They are also building schools for the Afghan children so that there is hope and opportunity in our neighboring country of Afghanistan.” (Emphasis mine)
Yeah…..Sarah. You were really an expert on “Obama’s ignorance.”
(Note: The above examples of the Quitta’s expertise on ignorance—along with many, MANY others—were culled from . You’ve really got to read them to believe them.)