Sarah Palin – fresh from her family brawl in Anchorage – made a startling statement on the Hannity show tonight when she seemed to blame herself for John McCain’s loss in 2008. Or maybe not.
Palin appeared on Hannity to discuss, Fox News style, President Obama’s address on fighting ISIS last night. Which meant, of course, it was a non-stop attack.
“Dear God, these boys are so arrogant and that’s getting in the way of sound policy that will keep America secure,” Palin began. This from the “humble” woman who reportedly screamed “Don’t you know who I am?” in the middle of that weekend brawl in Anchorage. Amanda Coyne explained how a party turned into a slugfest once the Palins arrived (via Raw Story):
(J)ust about the time when some people might have had one too many, a Track Palin stumbles out of a stretch Hummer, and immediately spots an ex-boyfriend of Willow’s. Track isn’t happy with this guy, the story goes. There’s words, and more. The owner of the house gets involved, and he probably wished he hadn’t. At this point, he’s up against nearly the whole Palin tribe: Palin women screaming. Palin men thumping their chests. Word is that Bristol has a particularly strong right hook, which she employed repeatedly, and it’s something to hear when Sarah screams, “Don’t you know who I am!” And it was particularly wonderful when someone in the crowd screamed back, “This isn’t some damned Hillbilly reality show!” No, it’s what happens when the former First Family of Alaska comes knocking. As people were leaving in a cab, Track was seen on the street, shirtless, flipping people off, with Sarah right behind him, and Todd somewhere in the foreground, tending to his bloody nose.
Not that Hannity brought up any of those inconvenient details, of course. He must have been too busy daydreaming about all the verbal punches against Obama Palin would surely throw.
But I’ll bet Hannity was not expecting this comment from Palin: “The thought going through my mind” while watching Obama’s speech last night, she said, “is I owe America a global apology because John McCain – through all of this – John McCain should be our president.”
Was Palin suggesting she blew McCain’s chance at the presidency? Like when she couldn’t name a single newspaper she reads and couldn’t discuss the Bush doctrine? Or was she just expressing a general regret that what she and McCain did just wasn’t enough?
Hannity, of course, didn’t ask. He was probably too busy daydreaming about all the ways he was going to use 9/11 to smear President Obama in an upcoming segment.
Watch Palin’s curious apology below.
“@ Rob:
I don’t think she has the brains to realize just how ridiculous she is, and will NEVER feel remorse or shame. She’s the worst kind of stupid….she really believes she’s more clever than anyone else.
I suspect she’ll be around for a long time. The Stoopit wing 0f the Republican party will always love her.”
Yes indeed mlp — and the so-called “stoopit” wing of the Republican party are the ones who SHELL OUT BIG $$$$ for her books and speaking appearances. That’s why Princess Moose-alini (i.e. Palin) is LAUGHING ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK!
The prince
A women is beheaded in Saudi Arabia
Ethiopian Women Risk Abuse in Saudi Arabia
Ex-wife of Saudi king speaks out
Since Photo Op Hannocchio refuses to talk about it on radio and tv, the masses will on all social media, and local and national radio talk shows.
I don’t think she has the brains to realize just how ridiculous she is, and will NEVER feel remorse or shame. She’s the worst kind of stupid….she really believes she’s more clever than anyone else.
I suspect she’ll be around for a long time. The Stoopit wing 0f the Republican party will always love her.
More dirty details of the Palin brawl
Coming down the pipeline: Video does not lie
We will see, uh?
I have no problem with national political figures dissenting and calling out policy that they disagree with — but to show such complete and utter disrespect? Palin has no class and truly turns my stomach.
Hmm, okay, Palin has apologized. Now if only McCain would apologize for foisting this twit into the national spotlight in his vain search for the female vote…
However, your incoherence, inability to discuss the issues, and thin skin are the reason he lost his second wind so quickly, and hung himself out to dry.