Birther Boy Donald Trump was once again playing a serious pundit on TV last night, this time on On The Record. He got more than 11 minutes at the beginning of the program to defend Mitt Romney’s jobs record – mostly by attacking the Obama campaign’s most recent ad, Romney Economics: Bankruptcy and Bailouts at GST Steel (video after the jump). Both he and host Greta Van Susteren admitted that the ad – which takes a documentary-like look at how steelworkers were devastated after Romney’s Bain Capital took over GST Steel - is powerful and compelling. But as Trump and Van Susteren dissected all the things wrong with the ad, Trump showed just how out of touch he is with working-class Americans. He acknowledged that the suffering workers in the ad were sympathetic but, Trump said airily, “I’m sure there are a lot of people that would have said, ‘Well, it was really a good thing and I moved on to another company and another job.’”
Van Susteren did not challenge that outrageous statement. Instead, after some more discussion about Romney and Obama, she asked Trump about his Twitter war with Cher and Rosie O’Donnell. “Cher said some very unflattering and nasty things about Governor Romney and I think it was inappropriate what she said,” Trump said, by way of expalantion.
So what did Cher say? She tweeted, “If ROMNEY gets elected I don’t know if i can breathe the same air as Him & his Right Wing Fascist Homophobic Women Hating Tea Bagger Masters.”
Well, it’s not how I would have put it but is it that much worse than Trump accusing President Obama of fraudulently assuming the office of the presidency and hiding his birth certificate? Even after his accusation was completely debunked and discredited? Suggesting (without evidence) that Obama didn’t deserve to get into Columbia University? Suggesting (without evidence) that Obama is really a Muslim?
Not that any of that seemed to occur to Van Susteren. However, she did question why Trump “threw” Rosie O’Donnell into his attack and she sounded less than approving as she noted his proclivity for Twitter battles with women.
“She (Cher) reminds me of Rosie O’Donnell with slightly more talent, not much more talent, but slightly more talent,” Trump said. “I understand Cher. Cher is somewhat of a loser. She’s lonely, she’s unhappy, she’s very miserable and her sound-enhanced and computer-enhanced music doesn’t do a thing for me, believe me.”
Donald Trump – a class act if ever there was one
I’ll leave the comment this time because I a) didnt’ catch it and now there’s an interesting and responsible rebuttal and b) I’m not really sure West was advocating anyone’s bodily harm.
I’m sure there are a lot of tortured people who say “Well it was a good thing, now I can move on to merely being ostracized for the rest of my life.”
We live in an age where that type of exposure counts for a lot more than talent or charm, so until we fix that, Trump enjoyed an especially fawning 15 minutes of fame… but now that the ride’s over, most people realize that he’s nothing more than a warm body keeping a more deserving person out of his spot.
This summer, we will all see the real losers in this race.
Memo to Rather: All you need to do to get your career back is announce that some Democrat paid you to report that George W. Bush went AWOL. Heck, maybe you don’t even have to announce, but just ask if that happened. Extra points if you can connect it to Obama. You can get back on the air in no time, at least on Fox.
And, for someone who has no REAL talent for ANYTHING to be slamming Cher and Rosie as having little-to-no talent, well, Mr Never-Had-to-Make-Any-Money-On-My-Own, that takes stupidity to a new high. (It’s just too bad that Osama bin Laden didn’t think enough of Trump to get someone to fly a plane into some of Trump’s properties.)
When ?
From the Annals of Right Wing Scum.