Bill O’Reilly chatted with his totally not racist pal Donald Trump about how to win the votes of “the grievance industry,” which is O’Reilly’s term for what Trump calls “the blacks."
During a lengthy interview tonight, O’Reilly pressed Trump about how he will improve his “unfavorables” if he should win the Republican nomination.
“Let’s talk about the minorities,” O’Reilly said. I suppose that’s better than Trump’s “the blacks.”
O’REILLY: I defended you against Tavis Smiley last week. And I did it because I know you better than Tavis Smiley knows you. I don’t even know if you know him at all. […]Smiley brought in the fact that you are this racial arsonist, that’s what he used. And I said, “Hey, look. I’ve known the guy for 30 years and I’ve never seen any of that and you’ve gotta give me an example,” and he really couldn’t.
Actually, Smiley really could. He cited Trump’s comments about immigrants and Muslims and the treatment of black protesters at Trump rallies. Smiley also cited Trump’s refusal to disavow the support of David Duke and the KKK. But O’Reilly dismissed that as a mistake, as if it were the kind of error any one of us could make.
“That’s the perception in the African American precincts,” O’Reilly continued. “That you’re a racial guy, you don’t like them.”
“Is there a strategy that you have or your staff has to negate that?” O’Reilly asked.
Notice he didn’t ask for a strategy to prove them wrong or show them otherwise.
Trump gave a ridiculously out-of-touch answer.
TRUMP: Well, I don’t think it is the perception, actually, Bill. I have tremendous numbers of African Americans that work for me. …I think we’re going to do fantastic with African Americans.
Not if the polls are remotely accurate, he won’t.
“My message is I’m gonna bring jobs back,” Trump said. “And they’re gonna have jobs because right now we don’t have jobs.”
O’Reilly interrupted as Trump went on to talk about other countries taking American jobs. “OK, so it’s an economic play," O'Reilly said. "But what about the grievance industry?” Of course, O’Reilly meant African Americans. Because O’Reilly never seems to care about the “grievance industry” that is Fox News or the one that is the hallmark of Trump’s campaign.
“Run by your friend Al Sharpton,” O’Reilly added, “where not only do you have to bring prosperity to all Americans, not just blacks, but we owe them. We owe the African Americans because of the historical atrocities that they’ve had to live through, their families, their ancestors. How you gonna deal with that?”
“With black youth,” Trump assured him. “With Africa American youth, you have a 59% unemployment.
Actually, it’s about 25%.
O’Reilly didn’t seem to know that Trump was way off base. Instead he dropped this nugget:
O’REILLY: How you gonna get jobs for them? Many of them are ill-educated and have tattoos on their foreheads and I hate to be generalized about it but it’s true. If you look at all the educational statistics, how are you going to give jobs to people who aren’t qualified for jobs?
Trump did not challenge the statement.
Yes, he’ll do “fantastic” with the black vote, I’m sure.
Watch it below, from the April 11 The O’Reilly Factor.
Just as the Catholic Church is struggling to move from the thirteenth century to the more modern seventeenth century,these boneheads are going from the 1950s to the 1970s.
“A round of Geritol to the Irishman and the comb over at the other end, bartender!”.