Cavuto on Business yesterday attacked discussed Vice President’s Biden’s call for more stimulus. Neil Cavuto’s response? He called it an “over-the-top fix for the economy and jobs.” After playing the clip of Biden, Cavuto sneered that Biden’s audience looked like they were in a hostage tape. He added “You’ve got a government spending more than a trillion bucks on jobs, and isn’t getting any bang for those bucks, now wants to spend more of your bucks on jobs. So we’re asking this morning, what the buck?” That set the tone for the rest of the segment.
Charles Payne got his first dig in: “If government was better than the private sector, Communist Russia would be the most powerful nation in the world.” He said he thought the audience was “Stepford audience,” as opposed to hostages.
Adam Lashinsky was the only one arguing on behalf of the Obama administration. He said that private equity firms don’t always create jobs and that “investing in education and infrastructure” (i.e. by government) is important. But before he finished speaking, Charles Gasparino interrupted to attack him for not talking up private equity enough.
Gasparino later piled on: “They (the Obama administration) are trying to blame what’s going on right now on the private sector.” He said there was “an attack on the private economy.”
Cavuto kept it going. “I see the blame game continuing, just in a more artful form. So the reason why we’re not seeing more private sector gains is because these private sector guys who are running this are just selfish SOB’s. Then it’s Fox who’s just materializing this class warfare. It’s everyone but them. We’re 42 months into an administration that is still busy blaming the other guy, still blaming private equity folks, still blaming anyone but itself, and I think therein lies the rub.”
Payne said, “This is what they (Obama administration) want. How about this is the outcome that the President is looking for?”
Lashinsky jumped in, “That’s not fair… that’s not responsible.”
Cavuto said to Payne: “Now you’re getting into crazyville.” Then he added, “But you might be right.”
If you wanted more information on just what Biden was proposing, what additional stimulus might mean for the country and its citizens – so you could decide for yourself, as Fox likes to brag it wants you to do - you’d get almost nothing here. The segment boiled down to all but one of the guests plus the host sneering and jeering at the Obama administration as somehow anti-capitalism. And you know what that means: anti-American.
Our money should only be spent to fight wars!!!