Megyn Kelly is oh-so passionate about defending extremist Pamela Geller’s anti-Muslim provocations as free speech. But when Kelly’s own guest tried to argue that Geller’s stunt spurred the violence that almost ensued, Kelly couldn’t stand to listen. In fact, Kelly repeatedly interrupted him, talked over him and generally belittled almost everything he said.
Just once I’d love to see Richard Fowler, the liberal guest in this segment and a Fox News regular, call out Fox News’ hypocrisy or even its tactics. But either he still hasn’t noticed or he has chosen to give the network a pass.
Watch Megyn Kelly’s version of free speech below, from the May 5 The Kelly File.
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Dave Wright commented
2015-05-08 13:14:23 -0400
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This guy is a talk show host who has volunteered on a couple of campaigns and was a DNC delegate in 2012. Accordingly, to call him a strategist is a reach.
Anita Hall commented
2015-05-08 08:45:10 -0400
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Think the lite-bulb finally came on in my head: Knowing exactly what these “so-called hosts” are going to do & say to their “so-called guests” ~ why would ANY ONE want to appear on Fox entertainment. Are these guests that desperate for attention [even if it’s only from the far right who laugh at them anyway]?
Sad ~ very sad!
Sad ~ very sad!
Jane S commented
2015-05-08 01:45:18 -0400
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What is it with this cadre of mostly black “Democratic strategists” like Fowler who go on Fox that nobody’s ever heard of? Are they that broke that they need the Fox paycheck? Do they imagine they will become attractive hires for third-rank local Dem. politicians because they go on Fox and repeatedly allow themselves to be bullied and condescended to and shouted over humiliated?
I’m really curious about these folks and who they are and what they think they gain from doing this.
I’m really curious about these folks and who they are and what they think they gain from doing this.
radpat_USA commented
2015-05-07 22:01:03 -0400
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Megyn Kelly is just another scripted freak in the rightwing carny show that is Fox News.
Brian McGill commented
2015-05-07 21:46:03 -0400
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I’ll remember this the next time Fox calls for some college professor to be fired for saying the wrong thing in their opinion or the next time they harrass some store owner when they choose to say Happy Holidays rather than Merry Christmas. The only time they defend free speech is when it’s one of their own.
about Megyn Kelly Passionately Defends Free Speech – While Stifling Her Own Guest’s Ability To Speak
on NewsHounds' Facebook page
2015-05-07 20:24:03 -0400
Do as I say, not as I do, America!