Megyn Kelly got together with her favorite homophobe, Tony Perkins, and the two discussed just how much damage Obama is doing to Christians and Christianity around the world.
The pretext for this session of hate – in the name of Christ – was Obama’s comments today at an Easter Prayer Breakfast. There, he said, “On Easter, I do reflect on the fact that, as a Christian, I am supposed to love. And I have to say that, sometimes when I listen to other less-than-loving expressions by Christians, I get concerned.”
Kelly twisted that into a suggestion that Obama had attacked Christians in general. “President Obama takes another shot at the Christian faithful,” she sniped.
Then, she baselessly linked Obama's comment to attacks on Christians abroad.
KELLY: His remarks come as Christians are increasingly being targeted by terrorists worldwide. Remember, it was just last week that more than 140 people died at the hands of Islamic terrorists at a university in Kenya. Witnesses say the killers specifically singled out Christians for execution. In February, the world was horrified as 21 Egyptian Christians were marched to their deaths in Libya, forced to kneel down before they had their throats slit.
Yet the White House chose to identify these victims at the time as ‘Egyptian citizens.’ All this comes as the Pope becomes increasingly vocal about the plight of Christians being targeted for their faith, repeatedly warning the world this Easter weekend not to turn a blind eye to the atrocities being committed.
Kelly contended that Obama’s comment referred to Indiana’s so-called religious freedom law. So she turned to her extremist, homophobic, Indiana-defending pal, Tony Perkins, and said that Obama “seems to be passing a rather harsh judgment on it.”
Not surprisingly, Perkins picked up the cues.
PERKINS: I think there’s a reason the president doesn’t want to talk about this persecution of Christians – because in part his policies are responsible. The growing hostility toward Christianity here at home is fostering an environment where tyrants and terrorists feel free to kill people, to kill Christians because of their faith.
Kelly didn't want to go quite that far. She said Obama’s “not exactly out there defending the Christians in Indiana and elsewhere …but to say that his policies are leading to the murders of Christians…” She didn’t finish the sentence.
Perkins doubled down:
PERKINS: I am saying that his policies are fostering an environment in which tyrants and terrorists feel that America no longer places a high priority on religious freedom and the protection of the oppressed. And in that shadow that he has cast with these policies, we see more and more Christians being persecuted, their lives taken from them in far away places. You cannot escape the fact that what America does has consequences elsewhere.
But Kelly and Perkins were not really so far apart. Kelly noted that Obama “went in” when the Yazidi Christians were under attack by ISIS, saying, “So the president has not sat by idly in all instances.”
But then she validated all but the death-causing accusation of Perkins’ attack.
KELLY: This is not the first time. So this is the Easter Prayer Breakfast, OK? Like the holiest holiday in Christianity, Easter. So this is an Easter Prayer breakfast at which he ...goes off script to criticize Christians and then this happened not long ago at the National Prayer Breakfast where he decided there to lecture Christians about not being on their high horse when it comes to judging radical Islamic terrorists.
…I mean the question is whether those, those comments do real damage not just to morale among Christians, about what their own president thinks of them but, but to the enemy! Not paving the way for an argument that he’s causing deaths but that they feel he won’t stand up for Christians who are under threat.
So, apparently, the question is not whether Obama’s policies caused the deaths of Christians abroad but just whether he sent an anti-Christian signal to our enemies.
Watch it below from tonight’s The Kelly File.
Mr. Gandhi, though you quote the words of Christ often, why is that you appear to so adamantly reject becoming his follower?
Gandhi replied:
Oh, I don’t reject Christ. I love Christ. It’s just that so many of you Christians are so unlike Christ."
Chew on this one Kelly!
This really isn’t that difficult.
One of the items on it was that Perkins is a fairly constant regular guest for her on this narrative. Because I donno about you, but that part just screams class.