Smugster Jesse Watters racially exploited the shooting tragedy in a Brooklyn subway for a twofer that both attacked New York’s Democratic governor and the media while playing the race card by feigning concern for safety.
You know that Watters doesn’t give a fig-leaf about safety because before he whined about not knowing the race of the suspect, he exploited the tragedy by attacking New York’s obviously-congested Democratic mayor, Eric Adams, for not risking his own and other people’s health by leaving home while he’s sick with COVID-19.
WATTERS: He has COVID and looks ridiculous managing this shooting spree from quarantine from his apartment. Come on. Put a mask on. Get outside and manage the crisis. It’s OK.
That was at 15:30 in the video below. By about 16:08, Watters moved on to attacking Gov. Kathy Hochul for having the nerve to say she was “sick and tired of reading headlines about crimes.” Apparently, what obvious racist Watters was really ticked off about was that she didn’t say she’s sick of Black crimes.
WATTERS: Now she is sick and tired? So, she waits until a shooting to be sick and tired? Good for her. Totally disconnected emotionally from the streets of the city. Forget about her. So then the chief comes out and identifies the shooter as a Black male, green vest, 5'5", heavy built.
And the mainstream media goes out and they omit the race of the suspect. They said, oh, yes, the chief described the suspect is wearing a green vest, 5'5", heavy built. It would help if the media would identify the suspect so you know who to look for. Is he white? Is he Hispanic? Is he Asian? Who cares what he is.
This is a manhunt underway for a suspect that just shot a bunch of people. You need to tell the population what to look out for. The mayor comes out and says if you see something, say something. We don't know what even we're looking for if you don't tell us the race of the suspect is.
Yeah, just worried about who people should look for. Never mind that maybe authorities want to be cautious before fingering someone too soon.
To make it all the more hypocritical, the guy who went to New York's Chinatown to make a video mocking and demeaning Asians now claimed to care about hate crimes against them:
WATTERS: Asians are possibly targeted. So, if you have a Black suspect, handgun, Asians possibly targeted, this story doesn't last for another 48 hours in the mainstream media.
Does he mean buried, like Fox did over the major study proving ivermectin ineffective? Or the way the network ignored a Tennessee bill that would have allowed adults to marry minors? As Media Matters put it, “If Fox is so concerned about protecting children from abuse that it would devote hours of coverage to the false claim that an entertainment company is sexualizing children, why would it ignore this bill? Maybe the outrage isn’t about protecting children at all.”
Of course it isn’t. Just like Watters' outrage here has nothing to do with protecting Asians or anyone else.
In fact, Watters followed up with a hint he knew darned well why the authorities had not revealed information about the suspect. And that was confirmed by cohost Jeanine Pirro – after she, too, attacked former-police captain Adams for “wussing around in there from your house because you may have COVID,” and instructed him, “Put the mask on and get out there and make New Yorkers believe that you're really a cop.”
WATTERS: Why haven't they released this [photo of the suspect]? Is that a strategy? To not release it?
PIRRO: Yes. They are not telling you one-tenth of what they have right now.
[COHOST DANA] PERINO: Because they're tracking down all -- so, let's say they know who he is. They would say, all right, we got this guy. Who does he know? And they're going to the sister's house and the mom.
PIRRO: It's a circle. They start on the outer circle, on the perimeter. They get everyone who may be connected, until they are ready to go after him and his immediate circle.
PERINO: Exactly right.
PIRRO: That's how it works.
Sadly, cohost and Black Democrat, Harold Ford Jr., did not push back on Watters’ race baiting.
You can watch the Murdoch network politicize and race bait tragedy below, from the April 12, 2022 The Five:
(Watters image via screen grab)