Jeanine Pirro’s attack on Nikki Haley looked more like a threat than an editorial commentary: “Be very, very careful. Get in line behind our favorite [Donald Trump]. After all, in case you’ve forgotten you work for us and you too can be fired.”
In her “Opening Statement” commentary, Pirro began, “The Republican Party is in real trouble. They proved it to all of us this week. Their primary strategy as it relates to Donald Trump is dead wrong and it will cost them the election and the White House.”
Pirro seemed to be referring to the fact that Haley took some not-so-thinly-veiled shots at Trump during her State of the Union rebuttal. Pirro sneered, “Last I heard, only animals eat their young and maybe a few cannibals.”
Pirro continued, “Republican Governor Nikki Haley, designated by Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell to rebut President Obama’s last State of the Union address, instead of taking the opportunity to identify how this Democratic administration has failed us, takes a shot and chastises Donald Trump.”
A laundry list of negative things about the Obama administration Pirro obviously thought Haley should have talked about followed. Then Pirro took aim directly at Haley:
PIRRO: And Nikki Haley takes a shot at Donald Trump? What you think! Who anointed you to take a shot at the leading contender for president in your own party in a nationally televised historic rebuttal, when you could have laid out a strategy of how the very fabric of America has changed under this Democratic so-called leadership?
How about you turn your unsolicited comments toward the president’s incendiary comments against your party? Why don’t you tell him to tone down the rhetoric?
And, by the way, there was a time, Nikki Haley, when you were one of the angriest voices. You came in in a Tea Party wave. Angry about what was happening in America and now you epitomize the very establishment that you promised to change.
Listening to Pirro, one would think that the reason the GOP establishment dislikes Trump is because he’s too honorable.
PIRRO: Donald Trump doesn’t do the Washington two step, where one hand washes the other. Where you overlook my vulnerabilities and I’ll overlook yours and then we all get to come back. Those who are more concerned with serving their incumbency than the American people.
…Donald Trump is not beholden or vulnerable to any of them.
Then it was back to attacking Haley:
PIRRO: Nikki, you are worried about Donald’s voice? Americans are tuning into debates in historic numbers and I’ll tell you who the angriest voices are. The angriest voices are the American people. We’ve been gutted. We’re scared and the American dream is not what it used to be. Unless, of course, you’re an illegal immigrant. And by the way aren’t you a right-to-work state? And you tell us to tone it down? To turn down the volume?
Pirro concluded with her demand and the veiled threat:
PIRRO: Nikki, maybe you and your establishment friends in the Republican party ought to turn down your own volume and start listening to us. Start supporting your own party’s front runner. The person Republicans want.
Your strategy is all wrong. Start supporting the frontrunner. There’s a reason, by the way, that you elected-politicians are all held in such low esteem.
Be careful. Be very, very careful. Get in line behind our favorite. After all, in case you’ve forgotten, you work for us and you too can be fired.
So there you have it. A FOX News Channel host demands Republicans stop attacking Trump and support him because he’s the front runner and she says so.
If you take a look at Pirro’s Facebook page, where she posted the commentary video, there are some very nasty personal attacks on Haley, like this one, from someone named Eddy Blokdijk: “Throw her to a bunch of Islamic terrorists to have fun with...”
Watch Pirro's rant below, from the January 17 Justice with Judge Jeanine.
Based on her past, we would think twice on taking this attorney’s advice.
Haley is a smarter version of Sarah Palin (then again, a Pet Rock is smarter than Palin): female popular governor of a reliably-red state, and has the “ethnic” look the GOP can use to increase their diversity profile — hence their choice of her to give the repub response to President Obama’s final SOTUA (as Joseph West pointed out, Haley has to leave office after this term for at least 4 years, so don’t be surprised to hear her name bandied about for the ’20 presidential race.)
Pirro, on the other hand, is probably still smarting from her Palin-like performance in the ‘06 NY US Senator’s race:
- at the rally where she announced her candidacy, she misplaced a page of her speech and went silent for over 30 seconds, basically torpedoing her campaign before it begun
- Pirro mentioned one campaign stop where her entourage campaigned “all the way in the western part of New York, all the way to the Ohio border.”
NY and OH do share a border — it’s called Pennsylvania
She was “encouraged” to drop out when polls showed Hillary Clinton beating her by 42 percentage points; afterward, Pirro stated: “I have decided that my law enforcement background better qualifies me for a race for New York State attorney general than a race for the United States Senate.” The voters of NY did not share that opinion: Pirro lost to the Democratic nominee, Andrew Cuomo, 58%–39%.
Thus, Little Jeannie is a two-time loser, now regulated to the second string of Fox’s programming, and the specter of her ex’s tax evasion and conspiracy convictions still hang around her like cigar smoke (Pirro herself was under investigation for possible illegal wiretapping, in an attempt to catch Al Pirro in infidelities.)
At 64, she isn’t getting any younger, and won’t be a consideration for any future presidential campaigns. No wonder she’s upset . . .
Furthermore, Haley is in her second permitted term of office as Governor, so she can’t run for re-election (well, not in 2018, at least; South Carolina allows governors to serve as many terms as long as they don’t serve more than two consecutive terms; so she’d be free to run again in 2022).
And, as “Judge” Pirro isn’t a resident of South Carolina (and, presumably she doesn’t vote in South Carolina), she really has no say in Haley’s job status.
One final point—Pirro might want to remember that she works for the “fair and balanced” network. She should at least maintain a semblance of impartiality with regards to the Republicon nomination. After all, if her buddy tRump isn’t the GOP nominee, she might find the actual nominee a little less than eager to give her the time of day—much less appear as a guest on her show. (And who knows? He—and we’ll just go out on a limb and say it’s going to be a “he”—might decide to use HIS status as the GOP candidate to see if the GOP network might not do a little “house cleaning” and remove Pirro from the network.)
Lakeview Greg, Richard deserves the credit for this one. Pirro’s show was two hours long Sunday night and she is the worst of the worst on Fox! There are times I just can’t take her. Other times, I find her comical.
Egads, hats off for watching this rot so I don’t have to!
Donald Trump is a Johnny come lately leader of an unorganized gang of angry turkey gobblers. Orange waddle and all.
Well, well — it looks like Little Jeannie has taken after ex-hubby Al Pirro:
Ex-DA’s hubby Al Pirro threatens workers in ‘restaurant rage’
You talkin’ to me?
Al Pirro — the estranged hubby of former Westchester DA Jeanine Pirro — went berserk at a tony Scarsdale restaurant over the weekend, throwing a punch at a waiter and drunkenly threatening to bump off the entire staff, sources told The Post.
“You don’t know who the f–k we are! I’m going to have you all killed!’’ Al Pirro allegedly screamed during the Saturday-night fracas, the sources said yesterday.
Pirro — who did 17 months in federal prison for tax fraud and fathered a love child while married to the glamorous prosecutor — showed up with a gal pal and four other couples at the restaurant Massa at about 9 p.m., the sources said.
“After all, in case you’ve forgotten, you work for us and you too can be fired.”
Really, Jeannie? Last I checked, Haley worked for the SC voters who placed her in office, not Trump TV (Fox) . . .