Mike Huckabee has blown the birther dogwhistle again. Oh, he cleverly avoided saying anything about a birth certificate but he suggested that Mitt Romney respond to demands for his tax returns with a demand for President Obama to release his college transcript “and the copy of his admission records to show whether or not he got any loans as a foreign student.”
Huckabee appeared on The O’Reilly Factor Friday night (1/20/12) to discuss the South Carolina Republican primary today. First, Huckabee gushed over Newt Gingrich’s attack on CNN’s John King for opening Thursday night’s debate with a question about an ABC interview with Gingrich’s second wife - who claims Gingrich wanted an “open marriage.” Huckabee called Gingrich’s scathing response “brilliant political gamesmanship… flawless.”
Huckabee also made an interesting comment about the candidates: he wondered if Republicans are as eager to actually govern as they are to beat President Obama. He added, “The biggest mistake Republicans can make is if they don’t have plans on how to govern, how to fix America, and get people to work. They’ve got to be able to speak to those voters who’ve lost their jobs in the past few years.”
Then, at about 3:45 into the video, O’Reilly brought up the question of whether or not Mitt Romney should release his income taxes. Huckabee thought not. “You get zero credit with the media for having released ‘em and then you buy yourselves a lot of grief.”
But as O’Reilly argued that “the people, the folks” want politicians to release their tax returns, Huckabee came up with this “strategy.”
Let him make this challenge: "I’ll release my tax returns when Barack Obama releases his college transcripts and the copy of his admission records to show whether or not he got any loans as a foreign student. When he releases that, talk to me about my tax returns." That’s being forceful. That’s what Mitt Romney needs to do and he’s stumbled.
This is not the first time Huckabee has gratuitously raised the question of whether President Obama is really American. Last March, Huckabee said Obama has a “troubling” “perspective” due to his “growing up in Kenya... because he probably grew up hearing that the British were a bunch of imperialists who persecuted his grandfather.” Huckabee later “clarified” by saying he had meant to say Obama grew up in Indonesia (as far as I know he never clarified why he thought Obama would hear that the Brits were a bunch of imperialists who persecuted his Kenyan grandfather in Indonesia).
Huckabee offered no evidence to suggest Obama may have attended college as a “foreign student.” Nor did O’Reilly ask for any – despite boasting in a later segment with Bernard Goldberg about his lack of tolerance for unsubstantiated accusations. In fact, O’Reilly chuckled over Huckabee’s suggested quid pro quo for Romney.
Guess it only took one Primary thumping to whip you into shape, eh, Mittens?
Huck calls it “brilliant political gamesmanship” — I call it a lot of WHAAAANING over being asked a question relating to the “personal responsibility” the RW is famous for espousing, but not living up to.
Personally, I’d ask to see Huckleberry’s college transcripts myself — but I’m not at all certain he graduated the sixth grade . . .
I know everyone who’s seen the case for that one (and I do mean EVERYONE) are patiently waiting for it to become big enough that we can make him explain himself.
Tell the anti-Romney conservative masses on the streets that Fox “News” and its host Mike Huckabee defend The Mitt from any criticism. Let the chips and their ratings fall.
1) The fictional AP/London Times article.
2) Proof “Americans for Freedom of Information” exists.
3) Proof Obama ever used his Stepfather’s name applying for college.
4) Proof Gary Kreep is lying when he says the claims are a hoax.
5) The Fulbright official who was willing to give the grant to an undergrad. Fulbright is for PhD and Masters.
Oh, wait- I forgot who I was asking to provide evidence here. When the pressure is on them, they’ll probably just make like their apologists and provide links to RW blogs and Urban Dictionary. Followed by them smugly using whatever ad hominem they just got told to spout that week.