The latest example of Sean Hannity’s extremism was on view tonight as he hosted two Islamophobes to blow the "secret Muslim" dog whistle “analyze” the comments of Bowe Bergdahl’s father in the Rose Garden last weekend, spoken in Pashto, in response to the news that his son had been freed. “Great American” Hannity used the segment to further his smear of the soldier and his family with the obviously ultimate goal of using them against President Obama.
Hannity announced at the beginning of the discussion that Bergdahl’s words translated to, “In the name of Allah, the merciful and compassionate.” Oh noes! Hannity also sneered that Bergdahl had grown a beard, then played a clip of the father sending a message in Arabic or Pashto to his son’s Taliban captors in 2011. However, Hannity generously forgave Bergdahl those earlier words because his son was still captive.
Hannity’s two guests were reliable Fox News Islamophobes: Brigitte Gabriel and Zuhdi Jasser.
“So exactly what message was he trying to send?” Hannity asked Gabriel sinisterly. Then before she could answer, Hannity quoted another fave Islamophobe, Walid Shoebat. “What that father was saying in the Rose Garden - …Walid is suggesting he was declaring the Muslim victory call and then the president smiles when he does it, as soon as he hears. He (Shoebat) calls it the ‘war cry of Allah.’ Is that what that is, when he said that?”
“It is the war cry of Allah,” Gabriel agreed. She claimed Bergdahl didn’t know what he was saying but, she added, “throughout history, the Islamic history of 1400 years, every time Muslims conquered a place or a location, they would stand and… (declare) the greatness of Allah over that land.” According to Gabriel, “The Talibans and the Islamist radicals all throughout the world will perceive as a victory and a success over Allah, standing on the steps of the White House.”
That seemed to be too much for even the virulently anti-Islamic and right-wing Jasser. “I’m Muslim and I say that 30, 40 times a day in my prayers,” Jasser said. However, he also said he believes “Private” Bergdahl (who has been promoted in absentia by the Army to the rank of sergeant) “should be tried for treason.”
Jasser hypothesized, “Ultimately, his father probably radicalized him. No different than the mother of the Boston bomber radicalized her son.” Not that Jasser offered a shred of evidence. Nor was he asked for any.
But Hannity seemed determined to promote the “war cry” meme. “Is it used by the radical Islamists as their war cry of Allah and do you think that the father is radicalized?” Hannity asked Gabriel.
“Osama bin Laden and the other radicals who pray in the name of Allah say the same exact prayers.” Gabriel assured him. Although she effusively praised Jasser’s patriotism, she pointedly cautioned, “The radicals who say the same prayers look at the religion itself very differently than Zuhdi does."
Of course, it’s quite possible – if not probable – that the father said the prayer in the same pro-American spirit. But Hannity was too eager to promote the other possibility to consider that. “And you think the father interpreted it that way and purposely said that in the Rose Garden and it was sending a message and the president – you could see the president smiling there as he says it,” Hannity prompted. Agan.
No, Gabrielle thought the father was saying words “he really did not understand, their ramification and the meaning behind these words and how the enemy will perceive these words.”
So, in the end, it was only Hannity promoting this “Muslim victory call makes President Obama smile” smear.
Watch Hannity repeatedly suggest that President Obama approved of the "Muslim victory call" below.
No Louis Farrakhan? Not even Michelle Obama on the magazine cover with him? I thought that was an ever greener!
Not in the strongest terms, nor has he made it a topic by itself — instead always in some other context, but occasionally (on the radio), I’ve heard him express his feelings on the church scandal.
Of course this is a mere drop in the bucket (maybe 0.0001% of his time), compared to the effort he expends every single day of his pathetic life smearing, besmirching, trashing and LYING about Obama and every other liberal, as well as promoting his drill, frack and dig (for coal) plan which will quadruple the burning of fossil fuels, spewing carbon into the air, bring nuclear winter down on all the planet’s occupants (human and animal) within our lifetime, without a single missile launch! Am I wrong to suspect Hannocchio is on the Koch brothers’ payroll?
Ode to Sean Hannity
Aping urbanity
Oozing with vanity
Plump as a manatee
Faking humanity
Journalistic calamity
Intellectual inanity
Fox Noise insanity
You’re a profanity
John Cleese
What Fox “News” refuses to show:
Post video to social media
This entire video has Bergdahl remarks as a captive. He says in this video that he prays to “God.” He did not say Allah. Post in all social media.
American soldiers speak against the war. Are they traitors, according to these Fox “News” frauds.
If you are a veteran that is against the wars in the Middle East, you are considered a traitor, according to Fox “News” and their co-horts.
The Stop Hannity Express encourages all the masses to revisit the pedophile priests in the Catholic church.
Start with these gems:
Fox “News” Silent On Pedophile Priests in the Catholic Church
Why Do Catholics At Fox “News” Refuse to Discuss Pedophile Priests?
Call radio shows, local and national, and begin the conversation with these remarks:
“Conservative media continually targets Muslims and their faith, yet I hear nothing about the numerous pedophile priests who have molested hundreds of innocent little children whose lives are now ruined. Why are they protecting pedophile priests?”
Post in all of social media.
Hannutty and his guests aren’t saying that Bergdahl’s father is a mere “supporter.” No, they’re actually suggesting he is a radical Muslim/Taliban. And they’re doing so because of those “prayers.”
Hannocchio is in no position to question another man’s father. At least Bergdahl’ father is not a part-time dad who buys his kid’s love with money and gifts.
This Long Island Lolito is a broken record. He repeats himself daily because he lacks content on his third-rate radio show.
A majority of college students are not going to listen to a man who is the same age as their grandpa.
I smell the smell of a mighty powerful double standard in this whole pitiful story.
The Bergdahl family has my own personal apology for the heinous acts being committed against them for the sole purpose of slamming the President of the USA. During wartime, to boot. Sheeeeeeeeesh. The RW in general and FNC in particular have truly reached the bottom of the barrel of sleaziness and despicability.
1) It may be a long time before we really know all the details about what happened.
2) However it turns out, it seems clear (to me, at least) that Obama could have handled this much better.
3) Totally irrespective of points 1 and 2, the right wing media slime (RWMS) — especially Slanthead Hannity — will milk this for every drop, as it proves once and for all that Obama is a “secret Muslim” who has no qualms about sacrificing American lives in order to destroy this country.
And the RWMS — especially Slanthead Hannity — will never, ever let up for a moment. There was a post a few days ago (that I didn’t get a chance to add my two cents about) reporting Bob Beckel telling everyone that it’s time to forget about Benghazi. Fat chance of that of that — they’ll be shrieking “BENGHAZI… BENGHAZI… BENGHAZI!!!” for years.
Now they have another “B” word: “BERGDAHL… BERGDAHL… BERGDAHL!!!”
Many of us will be in the grave by the time Hannocchio lets go of these slime themes. He’s worse than a pit bull with a fresh marrow bone!
Here’s a little quiz:
How many times a week (mostly on the radio) does Slanthead bring up “unrepentant terrorists” Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn? Rev. Wright and Father Pfleger?
How many times a week does Slanthead distort Michelle Obama’s “for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country …”?
How many times a week does Slanthead bring up Monica Lewinsky, Gennifer Flowers and Kathleen Willey?
How many times a week does Slanthead do his pathetic imitation of Bill Clinton, “I didn’t have sex with that woman…”?
How many times a week does Slanthead play his heavily doctored audio clips, mostly all out of context? I wouldn’t put it past Hannocchio to claim he has an audio clip secretly recorded at a dinner where a sommelier is asking Hillary Clinton which vintage of Burgundy she prefers; “What difference does it make?”
I could on and on… but you get the point. And if you answered anything less than 5 times a week on any of these, you lose!
Sean Hannity, the right wing media slime’s most prolific rememberer-in-chief of distorted past history… LIAR, LIAR, LIAR!!!!
Thanks for the heads up about Peters on Dobbs. I saw the video is online so I will check it out tomorrow.
How thoroughly disgusting can you get, going after and trying to smear the family members of a 5-year captive in hopes some of it will rub off on the president?
And he isn’t alone on Fox. Ralph Peters went nearly berserk on Dobbs on Fox Biz tonight, among other things referring to the father not by name but as “Pops Taliban.”
That was in between screeching that Obama was “criminal” and the admin. “craven cowards” and other crazy stuff. This while Dobbs looked on approvingly.