Sean Hannity can dish out the racial attacks but when Ferguson Committeewoman Patricia Bynes signaled she was not going to take them without fighting back, “tough guy” Hannity couldn’t take it and abruptly ended the interview.
You may recall Bynes’ last appearance on Hannity when he repeatedly told her, “Let me educate you” about the Michael Brown case. I wrote then that Hannity was “so condescending and disrespectful” that “if this were another era and she had a been a man, he would surely have called her “boy.”
In this case, Hannity was again clearly itching to use Bynes to start a racial fight.
Hannity sneered that Bynes had previously characterized the Brown shooting as being about “police brutality, racial profiling and racism.” He asked belligerently, “Do you stand by that statement as you watch your city now? We have a police car on fire, shots fired, rocks and bottles being thrown. Do you stand by that?”
It speaks volumes of Hannity that he either truly thought his guest’s concern for those issues was the same thing as endorsing violence or that he dishonestly tried to trap Bynes into looking like she did.
Bynes stood by her original claims. She said, “Tonight is another display of what American ‘justice’ (she made airquotes) looks like for those of us who are black and brown and this is not a surprise. It’s unfortunate, but this is just a catalyst for us to move forward and get moving and making some changes.”
Now Hannity gratuitously tried to suggest Bynes had a racial chip on her shoulder. “Are you saying that they (the grand jury) acted maliciously here?” Hannity asked.
Of course she was not.
Bynes replied, “No, I didn’t say anything about acting maliciously. What are you hearing? What I’m saying is that we had a grand jury process that seems to be a whole lot different from other processes.” She explained her objections in a more polite and civil manner than Hannity's smarmy innuendoes.
But Hannity was intent on using Bynes to race bait regardless. In his bullyboy voice, Hannity asked, “Don’t you think, Councilwoman, that in light of all that I mentioned, with shots being fired and police cars on fire tonight and rocks and bottles being thrown and a standoff and other fires being started, that for you to go out there and say that this is about police brutality, racial profiling and racism is irresponsible in terms of the influence you have on the community and shouldn’t you be calling for calm?”
Bynes said that she has been calling for calm “for a very long time, so what else are you going to try to throw my way?”
Suddenly, Hannity was out of time. But not before he got in another racial dog whistle. “I would think that would be interpreted by the crowd as something very different,” he said.
But Hannity is in no position to be pointing fingers about irresponsibly sending race baiting signals. Besides his behavior in this interview, he has deliberately used Ferguson to smear African Americans. He has repeatedly hosted well-known racist Mark Fuhrman to comment on the racially sensitive case. And not long before Bynes appeared on the show, Hannity hosted Rudy Giuliani to discuss the case, one day after he insulted African Americans across America by saying they needed white police officers in the inner cities to keep blacks from killing each other.
Watch it below.
Have a glorious day.
In Foxie land where dumb is king,
When Sean is on here’s what we say:
When you spew right wing views
And your friends all hate Jews,
That’s A Moron,
When you lie with such glee,
With an IQ of three,
That’s A Moron,
Bells will ring ting-a-ling-a-ling, ting-a-ling-a-ling,
And your friends will salivate,
Hearts will play tippy-tippy-tay, tippy-tippy-tay,
Don’t peddling hate pay so great,
When the spin makes you croak,
Like a nut-zoid on coke,
That’s A Moron,
When you bitch and you moan, like a paranoid clone,
You’re insane,
When you rally your troops with your big piles of poop,
Jesus weeps,
‘Scu-za me, can’t you see, here in reality,
That’s A Moron, That’s A Moron, That’s A Moron!
This cafeteria Catholic fraud would sing a different tune if Jr., or any of his nephews were shot by a cop. All hell would break lose, and we all know this clown would be screaming at the top of his lungs demanding the cop be arrested and prosecuted.
Not that we would want to see Jr., or his nephews shot by a cop, but we use this as an example of how Hannocchio would react if this happened to his own family members.
Given his own history, Hannocchio is the last person to call out bad behavior by other people.
You are the one who’s the troublemaker. People have long memories at KCSB radio. Tell your audience the truth of what really happened at that station.
Did you see the photographs of his “serious head injuries”? I’ve had sun burn on my neck worse then that!! I don’t need someone holding a ruler up to this cop’s neck to tell me he’s a redneck!!
I already knew it!
Dr. Martin Luther King