Sean Hannity hosted Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi last night for another in the Hannity show series that might be called “Yell at a Muslim.” In it, Hannity hosts a Muslim as fake balance to one, sometimes two Islamphobic guests, plus Islamophobic Hannity piling on. In this segment, Hannity came right out and admitted that he didn’t want to hear what his own guest had to say.
From Media Matters:
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Do people kill in the name of Allah?
MOHAMMAD ALI ELAHI: When the victims of radicalism and terrorism are Muslim, like yesterday, 90 Muslims are bombed and buried in Baghdad—
HANNITY: Alright, I don’t want your lecture. I don’t really want to hear what you have to say because you won’t answer the question. Brigitte Gabriel. That’s part of the problem.
ELAHI: I didn’t hear any voice of justice, any voice of sympathy, any solidarity for the people who are murdered in Baghdad yesterday. So that is wrong, where is humanity?
Guest Brigitte Gabriel can always be counted on to attack Islam and she didn’t disappoint Hannity this time. “Islam is radical,” she shrieked. As if there’s no such thing as radical Christianity or moderate Muslims.
Also on hand to help Hannity hate monger was torture-cheerleader KT McFarland who helped him blame the left.
By the way, when white racist Cliven Bundy threatened terrorism against federal law enforcers, Hannity cheered him on. Somebody ought to note the hypocrisy to his face, on the air.
Watch Hannity’s latest disgraceful display below, from the April 13 Hannity, via Media Matters.