Sean Hannity struck back at Rep. Keith Ellison – whose confrontation with Hannity over his brand of yellow journalism went viral this week – by pretty much proving Ellison’s point. First, Hannity dragged out his and Fox’s favorite black boogeyman, Louis Farrakhan, and then attacked Ellison for having once been a supporter. He even suggested Ellison was like a black version of the Ku Klux Klan.
The first thing you have to know about Hannity is that while he’s quick, some might say eager, to point the finger of racism at African Americans, it’s hard to find a single white guy accused of racism in the last decade that Hannity has not buddied up to, including Trayvon Martin-shooter George Zimmerman. And that’s not counting his African American pal, Jesse Lee Peterson, who thanks God for slavery and compares slave ships to coach class in an airplane.
“His past reveals a host of radical connections,” Hannity alleged about Ellison, “primarily to Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam.” Hannity seemed to think he had a big gotcha when he announced that Ellison was involved with the group longer than the 18 months Ellison claimed and that he had “appeared on stage” with Khalid Abdul Muhammad who, Hannity said, “called Jews ‘bloodsuckers of the black nation.’”
Which is kind of funny given the number of anti-Semites Hannity has palled around with.
Here’s how you would know this whole attack is completely bogus even if Hannity hadn’t acknowledged that Ellison publicly renounced the Nation of Islam in 2006: If there were a shred of evidence that Ellison has acted like a radical, a racist, an anti-Semite or a Muslim extremist since he was elected in 2006, Fox would be trumpeting the news 24/7. In fact, Ellison has long been a Fox News target, going back to before his swearing in, when he announced he planned to use a Koran instead of a Bible. Fox would not be shy about a steady drumbeat of condemnation and “questions” the way it’s doing with Sen. Bob Menendez and did with Anthony Weiner or the way it did with Ellison’s swearing in.
If nothing else, it was telling that Hannity didn't even quote any Jews, much less present any as guests, to call out the actual anti-Semitism that a monster like the one Hannity was depicting would surely exude. In fact, Jewish groups have endorsed Ellison and defended him from anti-Muslim attacks.
Nor was there any reporter digging or having dug into Ellison’s record. Instead, Hannity trotted out two of his trusty African-American black attackers, Deneen Borelli and Michael Meyers. Neither had anything like hard information about Ellison. But they were full of sneers, jeers and unsubstantiated accusations:
Borelli called Ellison a “left-wing radical” and attacking “is what the left does. …They don’t want to hear the other side of the arguments.”
But Hannity wanted to make the attacks explicitly racial. He jumped in:
But this is deep. Because we all agree Farrakhan is a racist and an anti-Semite. Anyone disagree? Now here he’s (Ellison) hanging out also with Khalid Muhammad. Now, not only did he call Jews bloodsuckers of the black nation, he also said, “Kill everything white that’s in sight. Kill the women, kill the children, kill the old people, kill the babies.” He used a slur for gay people. “Kill them all.”
Meyers took the bait. He said the “black nation” has been suffering “wacky” and “unhinged” leadership such as “the likes of Keith Ellison, Louis Farrakhan, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. It goes on and on and on.” Meyers added, “The nation has become racialized and radicalized in terms of the leadership tier.” Meyers went on to say that Ellison came on the show to talk up “the black messiah,” aka President Obama, and wage war on Fox.
But again, Hannity jumped in to make it racial.
This is really serious. Inasmuch as Farrakhan, one of the most divisive figures in our culture, rabid anti-Semite, racist. Khalid Muhammad: kill the women and everything white that’s in sight, kill the women, kill the babies…
He was interrupted by Meyers who exclaimed excitedly, “Don’t forget, don’t forget the Congressional Black Caucus! They entered a sacred covenant with Minister Louis Farrakhan!”
Did he mean the one that was renounced in 1994, 12 years before Ellison arrived in the House of Representatives?
Hannity continued prodding his guests for more racial attacks.
Do we have somebody then in Congress that is the equivalent of on one side, of what the Klan is? Because I view the rabid rantings of Khalid Muhammad as frightening, in terms of racism, anti-Semitism. …Farrakhan’s newspaper once said, ‘The God that teaches me… that the white man is the skunk of the planet earth.’
As Meyers went on to attack African Americans for voting for candidates merely because they’re black (and ignoring the fact that Herman Cain is much less popular among African Africans, than, say, Hillary Clinton), Hannity predicted that his guests would be attacked for “for calling out people who are racially bigoted.”
Nah. Meyers and Borelli were just Hannity’s stooges. The master baiter of race in this segment was definitely Sean Hannity.
Ode to Sean Hannity
Aping urbanity
Oozing with vanity
Plump as a manatee
Faking humanity
Journalistic calamity
Intellectual inanity
Fox Noise insanity
You’re a profanity
Is Sean Hannity a yellow belly coward who can’t keep his word? How is that waterboarding pledge going?
“Hannity is a journalist in the way that urine is water”.
Hannocchio is a vengeful man with thin skin. He can’t take criticism very well due to low self-esteem. He’s getting back at Ellison by “reporting” a series of stories on the representative.
Hannocchio is in no position to talk about other people’s associations, given his own checkered past.
The Stop Hannity Express says bring up Hannocchio’s former associations with neo-nazi Hal Turner, convicted felon Robert Allen Stanford, convicted felon Bernie Kerik, convicted felon Ollie North, white nationalist Pat Buchanan, George Allen, Freedom Concert scandal, News Corporation’s News International hacking scandals in the U.K., Freedom Concert scandals, his film bombs Atlas Shrugged II, Don’t Tell Me What To Think, his firing from KCSB radio for discrimination, etc.
He fools his audience with his Boy Scout image, little do they know his true nature. A dark side that he keeps hidden from the public.
Rep. Ellison forgot to tell you that you are unfit to be a father.
But remember, kids: whenever rightwingnuts like Sean have a disagreement with people like Ellison and Obama, “its never about race — we just have philosophical differences. Why is it, everytime someone criticizes [African American Democratic political figure], you libs say its all about race? Why must you libbies constantly pull the race card??!!”