Of all the politicizing around Benghazi, Sean Hannity’s allegation tonight that President Obama “may just want to keep his guard up” because Hillary Clinton will sabotage him over Benghazi, in order to protect her 2016 presidential candidacy, may take the cake. At least, it’s neck in neck with Bill O’Reilly’s suggestion on Monday that Obama would bomb Syria to “wag the dog” and distract attention from Benghazi. But hey, maybe they’re both right!
Although at the end of the segment, Hannity laughably claimed that the Benghazi investigation is really about the deaths of four Americans, his relentless focus on the political ramifications – while mostly ignoring questions such as what, if any, policies and procedures have been put in place since the attack on our Benghazi, Libya consulate that might prevent such an incident in the future. Instead, we got Hannity’s idle speculation about how this might hurt President Obama and/or Hillary Clinton:
All of this is merely the tip of a very large iceberg when it comes to Hillary Clinton’s culpability. In other words, Benghazi is her new Whitewater. It is the scandal that threatens her political future. What happens when the Clintons’ backs are against the wall? Well, they come out swinging. And they throw whoever they have to throw under the bus so that they survive. Now that includes Barack Obama. And with 2016 fast approaching, and Benghazi quickly becoming her biggest liability, well the president may just want to keep his guard up. Just a thought.
After Hannity told guest Rudy that he wants one big investigation run by Republican Speaker of the House, John Boehner, with subpoena power, witnesses under oath and “interrogatories by the president,” Hannity grinned as he thought about how this non-scandal could cause a big rift between Obama and the Clintons.
Apparently, Hannity is hoping for 2008 all over again. He played some clips from the presidential primary race from back then, with Hillary saying, “Shame on you, Barack Obama” and Bill Clinton accusing the Obama campaign of “playing the race card.” Hannity said, “I’ve never felt that they were really ever friendly. I think they coexisted. I think this was the team of rivals that Obama set up to kind of prevent maybe a challenge in 2012."
Giuliani said, “Ultimately, this sets up a conflict between the two of them.”
Well, they can dream.
You’ve been on a roll, lately: great posts !!
High End Hannocchio was silent when Bush lied to go to war with Iraq, costing thousands of American lives. All we heard was crickets from this Long Island Obamaphobe.
He has his boxers in a twist over four dead Americans. We guess thousands of dead troops from the Iraq war don’t count.
This blacksheep of the Hannocchio clan has a severe case of Obamaphobia. A syndrome that leads to madness and complete meltdown in public. Folks with this illness tend to yell at their children, and argue with their spouse. Unfortunately, it’s incurable.
You are a Obamaphobic person.
And, if its anything like the old Whitewater, it will ultimately mean . . . nothing.