I’ve long said that whatever Sean Hannity complains about others doing is a big tell that that’s what he’s about to do. Last night’s lengthy whine session about the “fiscal cliff” is a perfect example. He began the lengthy commentary with an attack on President Obama for “hoping” the U.S. will go over the fiscal cliff. Then, a few minutes later, Hannity urged two Republican Congressmen not to “cave” even though that means – yep, going over the cliff.
Despite acknowledging that President Obama cut short his holiday in Hawaii in order to meet with Congressional leaders, Hannity sneered:
Now, I’ve said from the very beginning that the president – he wants to convince you that he will do everything in his power to stop us from going over this cliff. Unfortunately, that has never been the case. Now, the president and his Democratic allies, they’re hoping that we do go over the fiscal cliff and I make the contention this has been their plan from Day One.
Hannity went on to accuse President Obama of “playing a very dangerous game of chicken with the American economy” with such a strategy.
But Obama’s “dangerous game of chicken” soon turned into “a principled stand” for Republicans.
After arguing that the cliff can be avoided if only the Senate would pass the Republican bill that extends all the tax cuts (never mind that President Obama won re-election with a mandate to raise taxes on the wealthy) and accusing Obama of “clinging to his rigid, radical ideology,” Hannity said, “Enough is enough.”
Maybe it’s now time for Republicans to call the president’s bluff. Let him take the country over the fiscal cliff if he so chooses. ...Maybe now is the time for Republicans to stand up – for your kids. For your grandchildren. Maybe they should dig in their heels and say they’re looking out for the future and future generations. Maybe now is the time to take a principled stand and say they’re not gonna let Washington continue with this out-of-control spending, this debt, this deficits. Maybe now, at this moment, maybe that’s the right thing to do.
Then, for some more hate mongering, “Great American” Hannity trotted out two Republican wingnuts, Louie Gohmert and Tim Huelskamp. Gohmert told a chuckling Hannity that Sen. Harry Reid has no conscience “or he would have given up leadership on his own.”
But before long, Hannity was doing his best to persuade his guests to see things his way and allow the country to go over the cliff: “Will the Republicans hold the line on the principles that they ran on or do you expect that maybe many of them will cave? ‘Cause to me, I think the American people would like principled leadership. Does that exist?”
The party is severely divided by constant infighting between Boehner and a few Republicans. It’s no secret that some Republicans want to oust Boehner from his speakership. They are putting pressure on him to step down immediately. But you won’t hear that from High End Hannocchio.
Another thing you won’t hear from Hannocchio is the Civil War continuing within the Republican Party. Conservative mouthpieces like DeMint and others are jumping ship after losing badly in November.
Hannocchio won’t tell you everything, and given his checkered background, we don’t expect him to for a very long time.
The Stop Hannity Express will continue expose these frauds. If he won’t tell you, we will.
Coming down the pipe in 2013:
- Rupy faces another crises
- A Fox “News” mouthpiece in a scandal
- Hannocchio panics
- A big change at Fox “News”
Genius, you cut your vacation short to tell us this? You are a poor excuse for a family man.
The rest of it was not only his usual fare, but kinda pathetic in execution- He sounded like he was just reciting.
And with that, I’m out.
He presented as a plan the idea that they should just extend the Bush tax cuts for everyone including the wealthy, and that this would somehow avert the entire financial situation, conveniently ignoring the instant hits that will happen to people on Unemployment and in the lower strata of the economy. Hannity, as usual, simply echoed the hardest right wing talking points, trying to box the President and the Democrats into a corner by folding his arms and saying “Fine! Let’s tank the economy! It’s all your fault!” GOP lawmakers have been testing this line, including Mitch McConnell talking about how nobody would remember John Boehner’s name in history, but everyone would remember Obama’s name.
If anything, Hannity’s ranting was more of a sign of desperation. The interview with the two House GOP guys was almost a fantasy exercise, with everyone refusing to admit they’d lost an election, and refusing to admit they need to compromise.
IOKIYAR in action.