Greg Gutfeld seems never to have spent a day in his life either in the military or involved in military affairs. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know better than our Commander-in-Chief that it’s time to put our troops in harm's way in Ukraine. Why? To retrieve the black box on behalf of the one (dual) American citizen who was killed in the crash.
Gutfeld may have been busy plotting military strategy but he still found time for humor – at Obama’s expense: “In certain crises, Obama’s more MIA than Casey Kasem,” Gutfeld quipped.
Well, maybe you had to be there – although I was and I still found it profoundly unfunny.
Nevertheless, Gutfeld seemed to be deadly serious about his plan to invade for forensics’ sake:
GUTFELD: I don’t know why we were asking Russia for help in this. …What they’re doing is they’re violating a law. This is a crime scene that involves no Russians, as far as I can tell. So this is about other countries finding about their loved one and finding out what happened.
The other thing is, saying that there are no military options is a really stupid thing to say. Because there is a military option. It doesn’t mean war, it means troops. It means sending troops to certain countries nearby which would tick off Putin.
Armchair General Gutfeld’s military strategy didn’t end in Ukraine.
GUTFELD: And also, a military option is building up our military. We’re drawing down right now. Maybe it’s time to build back up because the world is a dangerous place. It’s an ugly place and if we’re not here to help fix the problem, then we are part of the problem. You can’t maintain freedom unless you make some ugly, tough choices.
Of course, what Gutfeld really meant is that other people should take the ugly, tough actions he chooses for them so that he can talk tough on TV without ever having to put his fanny where his mouth is.
The conversation went on. “Punchy” Andrea Tantaros predictably blamed Obama for the attack. Next came Bob Beckel.
BECKEL: Nobody in their right mind would consider military action in the Crimea. …This is the worst thing that could happen to Putin. What it’s gonna do is, it is going to galvanize the international community and I think he’s sitting back there saying “I blew it.” And, by the way, who’s going to go get the black boxes? We going to invade to get the black boxes?
GUTFELD (with enthusiasm): Yes! Absolutely! …We already have people nearby. We should be going in there and getting that.
I'd like to think that was another of Gutfeld's jokes. But I don't think it was.
Watch Gutfeld volunteer other peoples’ sons and daughters for his cause below.
Hey Greg Gutfeld: HOW ABOUT YOU SHOWING US THE WAY BY SENDING YOUR MILITARY AGED LOVED ONES TO UKRAINE FIRST? It’s WAY past the time for PFCs (Privileged Fascist Chickenhawks) like you to PUT UP OR SHUT THE F**K UP!!
So-called ‘liberal’ (or, as I call them, ‘human’) comedians have to battle it out against thousands of other talented individuals – think Maher, Stewart, Colbert, Letterman. But call yourself a conservative comedian and you are guaranteed audience. Old, stupid and chronically bigoted they may be, but jeez, don’t the Fox faithful keep the Gutfelds and Millers in a style they don’t deserve.
Mr. McCain said that Mr. Obama is running a “cowardly administration that failed to give the Ukrainians weapons with which to defend themselves.”
Right. Obviously the best way to resolve a situation in which there are far too many weapons is to insert more weapons into the mix.
Hey — that’s what our own NRA has always been in favor of . . .
Gutfeld is showing his complete ignorance as the black boxes will contribute little or nothing to the investigation as the plane was hit by a surface-to-air missile. No systems failed on the plane, and the pilots surely never knew what hit them, so what could they have said before dying?
Anyway, (not to disappoint my fans), here’s a good piece that mentions Slanthead: