Glenn Beck visited the Hannity show for a double session of one percent schmoozing that included Beck’s deepest thoughts on national security and a willingness to put Hannity in the next movie he produces. And while he was at it, he argued that the only right-wing extremists in this country are racists and Nazis. Of course, he and Sean Hannity failed to take any personal responsibility for the extremists they pal around with.
After comparing their Fox News TV studios, Hannity asked Beck for his thoughts on the terrible situation in Iraq. Beck’s national security credentials are about the same as Hannity’s – i.e. none beyond an enthusiasm for exploiting an international crisis for political gain. And, in Beck’s case, a willingness to cry for his country.
You probably won’t be surprised to learn that Fox’s newly-minted foreign-policy expert’s thoughts went immediately to how evil Obama is. “I’m having a really hard time not quoting the presidential speeches during the election that ‘Al Qaeda is done and we don’t have to worry about them any more.’ …I can’t imagine how I would feel if I lost a son or I lost a limb and it spiraled into this,” Beck said.
Beck didn’t mention how he’d feel losing a son or a limb after invading a country under the false impression it had weapons of mass destruction. Hannity didn’t ask, either.
The two chickenhawks had lots to say about military strategy, though:
HANNITY: If you’re gonna fight, you fight with overwhelming force and you defeat your enemy! You know what that would have meant? Carpet bombing places!
BECK: Lookit, people don’t understand. War is the art of killing somebody faster than they can kill you. You have to scare the living daylights out of people so they drop their guns and say, “OK.” …How many lives did we save in Japan (by dropping nuclear bombs)? We saved lives there and lives on our side. Yes, it was horrifying but it got everybody to drop their guns and say, “OK, enough, I don’t want anything to do with that.” That’s the idea of having the biggest gun on the block and being the one that “We love you, we love everybody… but if you screw with us, we’re gonna come in, pound you into glass and then we’re going home. Don’t do it again.”
I wish I were kidding.
As the conversation moved on, Beck sneered at Nancy Pelosi calling David Brat “the extreme right” – something of a mischaracterization, by the way. But Beck’s point was that only skinheads and Nazis are the extreme right:
You know what the extreme right is? The extreme right are those racist, white power people that want – they claim they’re on our side, small government. No, no, no, they’re Nazis. You can’t be a Nazi and a small government guy. That doesn’t work. You’re a socialist, a National Socialist. And on the other side is the communist. Those are your fringe elements. Everybody else is pretty much in the middle and pretty much everybody wants to get along.
…Here’s the thing. Extremism is somebody who tells America, "You can’t do it. You need to come through me. You have to elect me and we’ll have bigger government." A rational American is one that says, "Leave people alone. Let them be who they are. Leave them alone.”
Yeah, leave them alone, unless demonizing them on national television suits Beck’s schtick. More importantly, Beck conveniently left out all the times he gave a friendly platform to just the kind of folks he was now fingering as extremist. Sam Stein has a long and detailed roundup at Huffington Post. In, Beck biographer Alexander Zaitchik notes the guests have “ties to groups that traffic in white supremacy, neo-Confederate secession, and anti-Semitism. Stein’s reporting was a good start, but it would take a chalkboard the size of Idaho to fully map out Beck’s racially paranoid guest list.”
As for Hannity, he found an affinity for white nationalist Hal Turner, racist and America-hating Cliven Bundy and white-nationalist tied Gavin McInnes. And now, Glenn Beck.
Watch these two multimillionaire merchants of hate in a clip from last night's Hannity show below:
Use this script when speaking to conservatives on the street, or talk radio:
1. “What are your thoughts about Hannity throwing Cliven Bundy under the bus?”
2. “To this day, he has not apologized to Cliven Bundy and his family for treating him like dirt. Does that bother you?”
Do it 24/7.
Call talk shows, local and national, and tell the masses of the Lad’s connections. Tell friends, neighbors, family, and co-workers.
Bundy Fan Hannocchio’s invite of Actor Glenn Beck is more of a outside business deal between these two clowns.
Remember, Hannocchio does not promote anything, unless he is getting something out of it.
Beck is building a media empire, and Hannocchio wants part of it.
Don’t bother acting in his films. You can’t act, and you are too old.