Fox & Friends turned to a guy who recently endorsed assassinating President Obama for help in baseless fear mongering that Al Qaeda may well have seized the missing Malaysian airplane in an “extraordinarily professional” terror operation. Host Brian Kilmeade chimed in to characterize the hypothetical terrorism operation a “success.” Even as the disclaimers about not knowing what really happened were tossed out, Kilmeade and Scheuer deliberately and repeatedly suggested terrorists are involved.
You may recall that Michael Scheuer, a regular Fox News guest, wrote a column in December suggesting that the patriotic thing to do would be to kill President Obama and England’s Prime Minister David Cameron. 10 days later, Scheuer was on Fox Business talking about Benghazi and accusing Hillary Clinton of having “blood on her arms up to her elbows.”
Yesterday, on Fox & Friends, Scheuer indicated no animus toward Obama or anyone else in his administration. Scheuer also repeatedly made the point that we don’t know that the plane is or was ever in the clutches of terrorists.
However, Scheuer was a willing participant in promoting the terrorism theory.
For example, Scheuer said that if the plane’s disappearance is part of a terrorist plot, “it’s an extraordinarily professional one. …It’s a very, very good operation.” That, as opposed to saying that it would have been an extremely difficult operation to pull off. Then he gave the idea further credence by adding that letters found in Osama Bin Laden’s hideout showed that “Al Qaeda had a very high priority on maintaining operations against aircraft.”
Scheuer also said that stealing an aircraft “probably makes sense from that region” because “security there is not exactly what it is in other places” in Europe and North America.
Kilmeade asked this leading question: “How would you characterize this operation from the terror mind? A success because there’s so many questions? A success because we don’t know how to adjust our security? A success because they’re back in the news? “ Or to put it another way, Kilmeade asked, “How would you characterize the terrorist operation: success, success or success?”
Scheuer one-upped it. He said, “I think all of those things to some extent, Brian, and I would throw in the enormous expense that has been incurred by all the people participating in this event so far. But I think if it is a terrorist operation and the plane survived, there’s an Act II. This is the first act of a two-act play. ‘Cause they’re not going to steal that plane to do nothing with it at some point.”
Be afraid, be very afraid. And at some point, Fox will be blaming President Obama. Probably because of Benghazi.
Let’s remind the masses of Ruthless Rupy’s coziness with the Saudis.