How disrespectful and inappropriate was the Fox News reaction to President Obama’s speech last night? Two Fox News contributors have been suspended for what Fox called “unacceptable” language while discussing it.
First, on Fox Business’ Varney & Co., Lt. Col. Ralph Peters – a virulent Obama hater, was asked by host Stuart Varney, “What were you saying to the TV as the president was speaking? What was your commentary as the president’s speech unfolded?”
Well, be careful what you ask for. Here was Peters’ over-the-top, even-for-him answer:
RALPH PETERS: Well, first of all, he keeps speaking about “we can’t give in to our fears.” You know, “don’t be afraid.” Look, Mr. President, we’re not afraid, we’re angry, we’re pissed off, we’re furious. We want you to react, we want you to do something. You’re afraid. I mean this guy is such a total pussy, it's stunning. And, you know, we want—we the people, the American people, whom he does not know in any intimate sort of manner, we want action. We want action against Islamic State and then—then, when the president is telling us he is going to destroy ISIS. This is a president who has done more harm to American police departments than he has done to Islamic State. This is a president who restrains our military. He uses it not to defeat ISIS, but for political purposes for political cover. This is a president who doesn’t want to hurt our enemies. This is a president who cares more about thugs in Guantanamo, or thugs in Ferguson, Missouri, than he does about law-abiding American citizens and their right to live in safety and peace.
Varney interrupted to tell Peters he could not use that kind of language. Peters apologized and they moved on. But Varney, presumably instructed by his producer, interrupted again to ask Peters to either apologize or take back his comments. So Peters apologized again. Then he said, “I do apologize for giving into my anger, but I’m, I feel like, you know, the American people understand where I’m coming from on this. My choice of words was incorrect, but my sentiment, I think, is shared by many.”
Varney quickly ended the segment but not without a wink to the audience to let them know Peters is still a pal: “OK. Ralph, thank you very much indeed. We will see you again very, very soon. Calm down, lad. Calm down.”
A few hours later, Stacey Dash, the world’s dullest pundit, said this in an Outnumbered discussion that was clearly designed to elicit as much opprobrium as the five co-hosts could muster.
DASH: His speech was an epic fail. …I felt like he could give a shit– excuse me, like he could care less. he could care less!
Finally, Dash said something interesting! Unfortunately for her, she was immediately censored. Not only that, suspended for two weeks. TVNewser reported today a statement from Bill Shine, senior vice president of programming for FNC and FBN: “Earlier today, FOX contributors Lt. Col. Ralph Peters and Stacey Dash made comments on different programs that were completely inappropriate and unacceptable for our air. FOX Business Network and FOX News Channel do not condone the use of such language, and have suspended both Peters and Dash for two weeks.”
Talk about an epic fail, Stacey! And it's not the first time Dash has made inappropriate remarks, either.
But let’s not start expecting more reasonable rhetoric on Fox. As Crooks and Liars’ John Amato noted, “Conservatives on TV have been continually using inappropriate language since the 2016 presidential primaries have begun. … And as the Republican field of presidential wannabes try to top each other by seeing who can tell us how to kill the terrorists and their families the best, the Conservative punditry class will not be far behind them.”
Watch the two segments below, from the December 7 Varney & Co., via Media Matters, and the December 7 Outnumbered, via Crooks and Liars.
That may be the only nice thing I have to say on her behalf, however.
They keep passing the same repealing or defunding this or that bill (which has no hope of becoming law). While they are completely frozen on any subject of importance. There is nothing happening with regard to use of force in Iraq. THIS IS THEIR RESPONSIBILIY. And they have abdicated it to the President. They take no action on solving the immigration problem, all they can do is try to undo the solutions the president comes up with. Our Republican comtrolled Congress is content to play at governing, without taking the responsibility of real action. They are an embarrassment to the country. But they think if they keep shouting about the guy in the White House, then no one will notice they aren’t actually doing anything.
I just have to wonder what “Mike” thinks about the PREVIOUS administration’s “incompetence” when it came to foreign policy and “understanding of national security” (and, for the record Mike, Obama is a SUPER-GENIUS on those issues compared to the clown car the GOPers are dealing with at the moment) and I also wonder what “Marie” thought was so “good” about the PREVIOUS administration (the only people who came out of the Dubya years better than they started were the multi-millionaires and defense contractors; everyone else pretty much crapped out under Dubya).
Then again, they’re both just following a script so they don’t really have any actual feelings one way or the other. (They just say what they’re told to—like the whores they are.)
*By the way, “Marie,” what kind of last name is that? It sounds pretty foreign to me. Maybe someone needs to investigate her to find out how long she’s been in America.
Hannity, O’Reilly and others will defend Ailes’ choice in suspending Peters and Dash. They are more concerned about their paychecks and loyalty to Ailes.
When the GOP goes down in flames they are taking you with them. You can’t blame liberals for this mess, you useless suits.
One comical fangirl who obviously is a GOPTV™ addict because of their completely fair and balanced coverage, said this was the last straw after Fox News’ lone moderate headliner Shep got his own show and registered Republican (RINO?) Geraldo did too. ;^) This stuff is so predictably funny you can’t make it up!
I have no respect for people who get a cliched phrase incorrect.
It should be:
‘he couldN’T care less.’