On Fox News, President Obama's decision not to let recent Paris terror attacks frighten him out of attending the Paris climate change conference means, "We are so doomed."
After playing a clip of President Obama calling the conference “a powerful rebuke” to terrorists, Fox host Neil Cavuto smugly said, "I'm thinking I'm ISIS, and I'm not meaning to make light of this, but I'm hearing there's going to be a world conference, and I'm thinking my God, on terror, we are so doomed.” He “asked” Fox News national security analyst KT McFarland, "Why this? Why now? Why climate change when it's, like, kind of life change that's going on here."
McFarland wasted no time suggesting that Obama is fighting climate change instead of ISIS.
MCFARLAND: It’s because President Obama thinks that climate change is the greatest strategic and geological and existential threat to our future. Here we are, and the irony. If it were not so tragic, it would be funny. …What are we doing? We're going to fight ISIS. We're going to have windmills, we’re going to have solar panels. We're going to show them. It's just really, all it does is it gives encouragement to the terrorists who feel that they have been selected and chosen by Allah to establish the caliphate and kill everybody who disagrees with them. They now look at this and they are laughing.
Cavuto did acknowledge that canceling the meeting “might send the wrong message.” But why not “rejigger its purpose?” Cavuto asked.
He closed the discussion by giving McFarland a stamp of approval. “She is amazing," he gushed.
In fact, climate change has killed more people than terrorism. It’s also a “threat multiplier” that even military officials think should be taken seriously. But President Obama never said climate change is the key to fighting ISIS or terrorism. There’s no reason other issues can’t be tackled even as the Paris attacks are still fresh in our minds.
Watch it below, from the November 24, 2015 Your World.