Michelle Fields has been officially kicked off Fox News’ Cashin’ In show because of her assault complaint against Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski. UPDATED: Fox News denies Fields has been permanently removed.
As I’ve written, Breitbart reporter Fields was manhandled by someone identified as Lewandowski by Washington Post reporter Ben Terris, who was an eyewitness. It happened after she asked Trump a question on the campaign trail. Fields’ account is backed up by audio and video evidence. But instead of standing up for its employee, Breitbart News, nicknamed Trumpbart, seemed more interested in its coziness with Trump. Fields and several other Breitbart employees have since resigned.
Now we might as well rename Fox host Eric Bolling, Eric Trumpling. Despite the fact that Fields is a former Fox News contributor and continued to appear on Cashin’ In even after she officially left the Fox News payroll, Bolling has added insult to injury by telling her she's no longer welcome on the show.
From The Daily Beast’s Andrew Kirell:
Fields was told that she’s off the show because she is no longer “impartial” to Trump and therefore cannot speak objectively on his candidacy so long as it’s in the news.
Of course, it’s laughable that anyone at Fox should pretend to care about objectivity, especially on Cashin’ In and especially Bolling.
Kirell notes that Bolling’s public comments about his “very, very good friend” Fields were similar to the weak sauce support that came from Breitbart, i.e. a suggestion that Terris made up what he saw and duped Fields into thinking her assailant was Lewandowski.
“…Michelle said she’s not sure who actually grabbed her and the Washington Post reporter’s the one who said it was [Corey],” [Bolling] added, essentially blaming reporter Ben Terris rather than outright believing Fields’ account. “Calmer heads prevail for now,” he continued.
…When confronted with the fact that tapes confirmed the campaign manager grabbed Bolling’s “friend,” the Fox host immediately deflected to how “pro-Trump supporters are being attacked by liberals.”
It’s shocking to me how quickly and easily so many in the right-wing media have turned their backs on their own colleague, who has solid evidence of Lewandowski's thuggery and seems to have no record of lying or pulling attention-getting stunts, in favor of a guy like Trump.
3/18/16 update: Mediaite reports they received the following statement from Fox News:
There was never any discussion or directive to remove Michelle Fields from the program and certainly not by Eric Bolling. The only recent conversation about her appearances on Cashin In was with a show producer last night and they mutually agreed to take her role as a guest panelist on a week to week basis.
This is the network, for example, who brought on to “Special Report” paranoid crackpot and serial liar Sharyl Attkisson for the very reason she has a deep-seeded chip on her shoulder regarding the Obama administration.