Fox News’ crackpot psychiatrist, Dr. Keith Ablow, thinks Donald Trump’s debate boast about the size of his hands and genitalia showed such “psychological strength,” Freud would have been “standing up, like applauding, standing ovation.” Seriously.
Ablow, an actual psychiatrist and a member of Fox’s so-called “Medical A-Team,” made his diagnosis on today’s Fox & Friends, responding to a report that Hillary Clinton plans to bait Trump at the upcoming presidential debates.
“Yup, the Democratic nominee is consulting psychologists about Trump’s biggest insecurities to bait him into making mistakes on the debate stage,” cohost Brian Kilmeade announced. Cohost Ainsley Earhardt laughed as he spoke.
Cohost Tucker Carlson said, “This doesn’t sound like a crazy strategy to me.” He thought every presidential candidate tries to discover and exploit an opponent’s weaknesses. “Will this work with Trump?” Carlson asked, suggesting that the notoriously thin-skinned Republican candidate is too awesomely indomitable for such a strategy.
Ablow took the suggestion to its most ridiculous extreme (Transcript via Media Matters):
ABLOW: Well, sure, it’s something that every candidate probably does, probably should do. Psychology’s a very powerful tool to unearth what does get under people’s skin, if you will. But listen, with Donald Trump, kind of what you see is what you get. I have to say, when the small hands issue was raised during the debate, this supposedly got the Clinton campaign very excited. They thought, “Man, he’s off his game.” He wasn’t off his game at all. Freud would have been standing up, like applauding, standing ovation. To be able to address such an intensely personal issue and say, “Listen, there’s no problem in that department,” to me that showed an incredible degree of psychological strength. With Donald Trump, he may err, he may make errors in saying what he thinks, telling us the truth, saying things that are gritty, perhaps attacking with some unkind words, which he could scale back, but you know what, his demons are on his sleeve. There’s not a lot of psychoanalysis that hasn’t been presented already.
In fact, Trump's boast about his anatomy did not wow, not even according to Fox News. Of course, none of the three cohosts challenged Ablow on that point.
Nor did Ablow stop there. He delivered some of his “Medical A-Team” analysis about Hillary Clinton. And wouldn’t you know, he all but announced that Dr. Freud would have run screaming in fright at the sight of her.
ABLOW: We know one thing: she’s addicted to power. She’s Imelda Marcos on steroids.
So the bottom line is, use that as your bellwether. Anything that gives Hillary Clinton more power, she does. Stays in a marriage with multiple affairs, doesn’t matter to her if she’s closer to power.
“Study Imelda,” Kilmeade joked.
Watch this “fair and balanced” psychoanalysis below, from the August 31 Fox & Friends, via Media Matters. You might want to make sure you swallow any liquids first.
Actually, it was really pitiful that Trump was the only one attesting to the size of his penis. It would have been shown more strength if even one of the ‘thousands’ of hot ladies that he’s bedded would have at least agreed.