"Fair and balanced" FoxNews.com used various methods to bury its own findings last week that President Obama leads Mitt Romney in a national poll of 901 registered voters. In web articles, Fox hyped other findings that were unfavorable to Obama. But my favorite was the claim that Obama's 4-point lead was within the poll's margin of error - which was 3 points. UPDATED
As Business Insider noted last week (H/T Vermont Dave), it was hard to find the news that Obama came out on top of its poll. Instead, FoxNews.com chose to focus on how Americans blame the government and Obama's "politics" (I think they meant "policies") for making economic woes worse.
Today, the headline is:
You have to scroll down nine paragraphs to get to this information, obviously spun so as to make the results look as bad as possible for Obama:
Despite voters’ sentiments about their own lives and the economy, 50 percent say President Obama deserves to be re-elected. Almost as many -- 48 percent -- say he doesn’t.
In addition, 45 percent of voters would back Obama and 41 percent Republican Mitt Romney, if the presidential election were held today. Obama’s advantage is within the poll’s three percentage-point margin of sampling error.
The purpose of all of this is clear – to talk down the Obama re-election as much as possible and try to create a narrative for the Fox viewers that shows their guy winning. At the same time, it’s curious that the smarter and wilier guys there are already preparing their own counter narrative for an Obama victory.