Another week, another crop of outrageous quotes. Here again, for your consideration, are the cream of the crazies, all together in one place. Check them all out but remember… only one can be the Most Outrageous Of The Week. Which one will you choose? UPDATED: Please cast your vote again!
UPDATE: Unfortunately, I left one of the entries out of the actual poll and, unfortunately, there's no way to edit the poll. And since the one left out (Doug Burns blaming Trayvon Martin's "street attitude" for his death) is pretty darned outrageous, I wanted to make sure he had a chance to win! So I'm re-posting the whole thing. If you've already voted in this week's poll, you should be able to vote again.
Father Jonathan Morris, on Fox & Friends Weekend, thinks there’s a “small group of activists, atheists, whose mission it is, whose goal it is, to wipe out the face, the name, the voice of God from any public expression in our country.” (6/9/13)
Ralph Peters, a Fox News “military analyst,” discussing NSA leaker Edward Snowden, whom Peters thinks should receive the death penalty.
Now you’ve got this 29-year-old high school dropout whistleblower making foreign policy for our country, our security policy. …It’s sad, Brian. We’ve made treason cool. Betraying your country is kind of a fashion statement. He wants to be the national security Kim Kardashian. He cites Bradley Manning as a hero.
I mean, we need to get very, very serious about treason. And oh, by the way, for treason — as in the case of Bradley Manning or Edward Snowden — you bring back the death penalty. (6/10/13)
Mark Fuhrman, making it clear whose side he’s on in the Trayvon Martin case:
It’s not a direct evidence case, it’s kind of a super-circumstantial case. There’s really no eyewitnesses, there’s no forensic evidence, there’s the statements of George Zimmerman and a dead victim or dead suspect, however or which side you’re on, you’re going to describe Trayvon Martin. But that’s the circumstance. (6/10/13)
Laura Ingraham, discussing Plan B, emergency contraception on Fox & Friends: It’s a good deal for pedophiles, good deal for people who commit statutory rape against young girls. (6/11/13)
Former police detective Harry Houck, on Fox News Live: Listen, Trayvon Martin would be alive today, okay, if he didn’t, alright, have a street attitude. That’s the bottom line. (6/11/13)
Former federal prosecutor Doug Burns, on Fox News Live, suggesting that Trayvon Martin’s Skittles and iced tea could have been lethal weapons:
I know everybody keeps sarcastically saying about the Skittles. You could probably kill somebody with Skittles.
… (Y)ou could break a bottle of iced tea, right, with the jagged edge, and you could kill somebody with it. (6/10/13)
Brian Kilmeade, on his Kilmeade and Friends radio show, to the head of the white supremacist and virulently anti-Muslim English Defense League: “(It) was great what you’re doing... We got your back.” (6/10/13)
Ann Coulter, on an anti-Hispanic rant justifying her opposition to the Senate’s immigration reform.
Hispanics are natural Democrats. More than any other ethnic group, they think capitalism is a bad system. They are the most pro-choice. They are the most – foreign-born Hispanics – the most anti-Semitic in the country. (6/12/13)
Bill O’Reilly, fear mongering about Plan B emergency contraception:
This will lead to the rise in STDs, which is an epidemic not reported much by the media… because now kids will say, “Well you know if I have unprotected sex, I can get this little pill and pop it in, and I’m OK. So I won’t have the condom or I won’t protect myself,” and bang, you’re going to have another explosion as we already have in that area. …Statutory rape, obviously, you know, another thing that very underreported in this country, we don’t want to hear about it. Incest, same thing. (6/13/13)
Monica Crowley, “We know entitlements are narcotics.” (6/14/13)
Megyn Kelly defending Sen. Ted Cruz to Alan Colmes after he cited Cruz’ wild-eyed accusation that twelve of his law professors were communists who wanted to overthrow the U.S. government: “But do you have reason to believe that’s not true?” (6/14/13)
That crap is really hard to take all at one sitting. It’s like having to choose which pile of dog shit smells the worst. The scrutiny itself is an extremely unpleasant process.
HOWEVER, I’d really like to give first-timer DOUG BURNS my vote, but he seems to have been inadvertently left off the final list.
I’ll check back later, but now I have to wash my hands.