Fox News talking heads made lots of outrageous statements about the UCSB shooting last week. But there were also jaw-dropping quotes about sex-change operations, cookstove research, race and, of course, President Obama. And more. Put your thinking caps on, check out the 10 candidates for this week’s Fox News Outrageous Quote of the Week and make your selection!
The nominees are:
Keith Ablow: “Do we not know that when men go to divorce court that they prepare for the slaughter? They are, in a wholesale fashion, prejudiced in that setting.”
Bill O’Reilly to Fox’s Heather Nauert: “If you were a sex-change person, then you would just commit a crime, go in and have the operation, and then you get out. You see what I mean, Heather?”
Bill O’Reilly on Elliot Rodger: “The harsh truth is we’re living in a world where more and more people are becoming mentally ill. The reason for that, excuse me, is alienation—families falling apart, pervasive technology that numbs human feelings and a culture that too often celebrates violence. Boundaries are broken down. But it has nothing to do with racism or bias against women.”
Dr. Robi Ludwig, psychoanalyzing the UCSB shooter’s “homosexual impulses”:
"Well, it’s very interesting. When I was first listening to him, I was like, “Oh, he’s angry with women for rejecting him.” And then I started to have a different idea. Is this somebody who is trying to fight against his homosexual impulses? Was he angry with women because they were taking away men from him? But this is a kid who couldn’t connect, and felt enraged, and wanted to obliterate anyone that made him feel like a nothing.
…I think too, was he angry at the men for not choosing him? This was a kid who was just angry in general, and probably felt rejected. He couldn’t connect, he couldn’t feel loved, he couldn’t feel successful, maybe he couldn’t even feel like a real man."
Dr. Ben Carson accusing the Obama administration of deliberately depressing the economy:
“(W)e have the ability in this nation to get the economy moving. I actually believe that perhaps some of the things that are going on right now - which could be easily remedied - are not being remedied in order to keep the economy depressed. Because there would be no appetite for many of the social programs if people were doing well.”
Bernard McGuirk, defending cabdrivers who don’t pick up black passengers: “One of the biggest fallacies that’s out there, perpetuated by many, including, I believe President Obama - a black man, they can’t catch a cab in New York City because of racism. As somebody who drove a cab at night for almost eight years, robbed multiple times and assaulted, I can tell you that it’s not racism, It’s fear and economics that drives that.”
Brian Kilmeade fear mongering about EPA-funded research into cleaner cookstove technology: “First, they came for your light bulbs, remember the knock? Now the EPA using taxpayer money to target kitchen stoves. …Why? Because climate change.”
Sarah Palin, offering her special insight into the VA scandal: “I think there’s a lack of understanding on our commander in chief’s part of what the mission of the military is and why it is that we owe a debt of gratitude that’s manifested in benefits paid to those who’ve already earned them when it comes to what our military is all about."
Dr. Keith Ablow, psychoanalyzing President Obama: “He’s a dispiriting President who has it in for the American public.”
Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson, explaining why he became a Republican: “I read the Republican platform. I said, ‘Well, they don’t rip human babies from their mothers’ womb. I said, ‘They’re not endorsing perversion.’ So I said, ‘You know what? I think I’m a Republican.’”
Cast your vote below!
Three crackpot “doctors”…Allblow, Ludwig and Bonehead Ben.
Two reality TV clowns….Uncle Phil and the Whore of Babble-On Sara.
And an assortment of jerks….Bildo, Brain Kilmeade and McQuirk.
I will opt for Bildo’s brilliant insight into those “sex- change persons”. Bildo’s Bedpan Battalion of geriatric viewers were no doubt enlightened.