What do race, climate change, passive-aggressive behavior, the Washington Redskins and firing squads have in common? They were all part of Fox News outrageousness last week. Those subjects – and more – are also part of our Fox News Outrageous Quote of the Week poll this week. Which one is the MOST outrageous? That’s up to you, dear readers.
This week’s nominees are…
Bill O’Reilly: “Passive-aggressive behavior much more destructive type-A behavior which is open and obvious. The PA people play destructive mind games. Avoid them if you can.”
Bill O’Reilly: “When you are confronted with nonsense, phony smile, and leave quickly.”
Tucker Carlson: “Some white people are privileged, some aren’t. Some black people are, some aren’t. It strikes me as, by definition, a racist attack in that it’s making a generalization, a negative one based on skin color.”
Sean Hannity, discussing his guest’s call to bring back executions by firing squad: “After what happened in Oklahoma, I mean, you’re not going to mess up a firing squad, right?”
Bill O’Reilly to Marco Rubio, a few days after Rubio said on ABC News that he doesn’t think humans have caused global warming: “You said flat out, (a) bold and fresh statement that you don’t believe the scientists on global warming.”
Ben Shapiro, lecturing Native Americans about changing the name of the Washington Redskins: “The political games that are being played here are absolutely ridiculous. The fact is that 49% of Native American kids were not graduating high school. As of 2010, only three were going on to college, only 10% of those were graduating in four years. And the Senate is focused on the name of the Washington Redsakins – as though that’s the biggest problem facing the Native American community? The name of the Washington Redskins is about a hundred on the list of issues facing Native American communities today.”
Megyn Kelly, discussing a letter from 50 U.S. senators asking the NFL to urge the Washington Redskins to change its name: “Congress seems – they have no problem, apparently, with trying to, sort of, curtail the speech rights, basically of a professional football team, based on their definition of what’s right and what’s not right.”
Dr. Ben Carson: “I think what’s happening with the veterans is a gift from God to show us what happens when you take layers and layers of bureaucracy and place them between the patients and the health care provider.”
Katie Pavlich: If I see a black kid in a hoodie walking down the street, late at night, and I'm walking down the street? I cross the street because I feel unsafe. Same thing with the tattoos on the guy with the face and the bald head. ...I'm not being a bigot or being prejudiced it's about simply putting my safety first."
Cast your vote below!
Bobby Kay – “all of the above” would be cheating! :)