Fox News is still going steady with Donald Trump. Oh, there were a few mild criticisms of Trump on Fox’s Outnumbered show today. But cohost Harris Faulkner thinks Sen. John McCain owes Trump an apology, not the other way around, and other hosts attacked McCain as well.
Cohost Andrea Tantaros, started out by saying that Trump’s attack on McCain – in which he questioned McCain’s war hero status - “is indefensible.” But she later suggested otherwise.
The show’s #OneLuckyGuy, attorney Peter Johnson, Jr. (Roger Ailes’ personal attorney and reported mouthpiece) was full of praise and only constructive criticism. He called Trump “a friend of mine” and said he’s represented Trump. He said he believes that Trump will eventually “make amends with John McCain" and should do the same with veterans. "You can’t get into this kind of language," Johnson said." That’s not what Donald Trump represents and I think John McCain is taking the high road.”
Of course, what Johnson meant was that Trump can’t use that kind of language with a Republican. Because Fox New was perfectly happy to smear John Kerry’s war-hero status with the Swift Boat Veterans when that served the GOP.
However, Johnson took an early swipe at McCain when he “explained” why McCain is taking that high road: “Because John McCain knows that he has kind of a tempestuous personality himself. He’s been in some tough campaigns. He’s had to walk back some things. But this is not what Donald Trump really stands for and we really can’t stand for this, really, as Americans.”
Still, Johnson insisted that Trump remains a “strong, forthright candidate” who, if he apologizes “will make everybody think that he’s an even better person and better candidate going forward.”
Faulkner offered the most jaw-dropping of the Trump defenses, even though she later called Trump’s comments about McCain “troubling.”
FAULKNER: Why would anybody call for him to step down? …Look how much of the real estate he soaks up. …But I will say this. One way that John McCain kind of got it in an interesting way is he’s not admitting that he kind of started this whole thing by calling the people in Arizona “crazies” for going to a Donald Trump – not to sound too fifth grade about it – but did he start it?
Tantaros didn’t exactly disagree. “That’s the thing,” she said. “I mean, no one likes to be called crazy. And the problem is, I think Donald Trump does make a lot of good points but he almost takes it a bridge too far?”
Almost??? The guy who started a phony birther scandal and who smeared an entire nationality of people?
Cohost Jediah Bila was something of a voice of reason. “Does he think he’s running against John McCain? …The whole thing seems a little bizarre,” she commented.
Later, Johnson overtly urged Trump to apologize to McCain: “Make that today, Donald. Today.”
But Faulkner blamed McCain again. “Does John McCain owe an apology to the people of Arizona who went to that event whom he called crazy? Because that’s what Donald Trump is saying,” she chimed in.
Tantaros said, “He should not have used that rhetoric either. I mean, unfortunately you can’t go around calling people crazy. I don’t see how this helps someone like John McCain, either. Both of them should not be speaking the way that they’re speaking.”
This lecture about proper rhetoric came from the woman who urged her radio show listeners to “do me a favor” and punch an Obama supporter “in the face.”
Media Matters caught other Fox hosts defending Trump, too.
Watch Fox blame McCain, below, from today’s Outnumbered.
One thing I am finding rather interesting is that crazy ole Cruz is refraining from calling out Teh Donald like many of his fellow candidates are. I’m wondering if, like many others, he knows that Trump’s run won’t last – and, if he’s been less judgemental about Trump’s comments than the other candidates – perhaps he can scoop up all those Trump supporters? All I know for sure is that it’s definitely been quite the circus show. LOL!
The GOP would sabotage their own presidential race to avoid having Trumpster as POTUS.
So this is an refreshing improvement. Won’t last, but it is a change for at least one day.